The Secret To Increase The Happiness Quotient In 25 Simple Ways!

Happiness is not something that happens to us, or something we are born with. Happiness is a choice we make, no matter what life throws at you.

Happiness is not something that happens to us, or something we are born with. Happiness is a choice we make, no matter what life throws at you.

Much as beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, happiness is a state of mind. And like all things mental, happiness is subtle and delicate. Despite being the ultimate motivation behind all our actions in this world, only a few people genuinely experience happiness in today's hectic and fast-paced world.

The true happiness does not reside in the external world, but it is a matter of the internal world which needs to be discovered.

If you are not happy by yourself, there are no material object, bank balance, power, fame or other people that can make you happy. So to discover happiness you need to divert your attention from the outer world to the inner world rather than keeping yourself engaged to search it outside.

Once you discover happiness inside you and are able to maintain the happy state of mind, you can make an effort to increase the level of your happiness quotient manifold. Although the pursuit of happiness is the personal matter, here are some secrets that can help you to increase your happiness quotient:

1. Find joy in the little things.

For most people, life consists of an accumulation of small moments. It is in the little things that you can find your joy and boost feelings of happiness. When you allow yourself to be joyful, it’s easier to find joy. While that may sound too good to be true, it works. Feel the deliciousness of descending into cool water in a lake on a hot day. Savor the aroma and taste of a favourite meal and enjoy the presence of loving family. These are the little things that are too often taken for granted, yet they are great contributors to happiness.

2. Start each day with a smile and laugh often

When we smile, there are some biological processes that somehow trick our brain into thinking we’re happy. For this reason, our moods are lifted reflexively.

Laughter yoga is a new rage. People from all walks of life are indulging in it.

It’s almost impossible to see someone else laugh and not be affected by it. Indeed, laughter is not only contagious, it also constitutes a big part of play.  What is playing? It is the act of doing what gives you pleasure, engaging in discovery, letting your creativity flow. Laughter can reduce levels of stress and inflammation and benefit heart functioning.

3. Exercise compassion

How you respond to other people largely dictates how they will respond to you. If you believe that the quality of relationships in your life can make you happier, try empathizing with people before you jump to conclusions. Practice a “soft start up” when you confront a misdeed. Try to understand and have compassion for what another may be enduring. I predict they will respond in kind.

4. Choose to be positive and see the best in every situation

A positive attitude is scientifically proven to increase happiness and well-being. How can you develop a positive attitude and learn to see the best in everything? It does take practice and a willingness to confront your fears and reject their power to control you..

5. Cultivate Acceptance

The situation in your life is not in your control, but your reactions towards them are. So when you cannot change the situations, it would be wise to cultivate a habit to accept the situations as they are. By cultivating the habit of acceptance, you prevent yourself from the extra burden of disappointment, frustration, anger, and sadness. The good thing about acceptance is that it neutralises the experience of unpleasant situations and increases your level of happiness.

6. Be Determined To Stay Happy

Happiness is a state of mind, and it is your determination to stay in happy help you to maintain a happy state of mind. Happiness is a personal choice not a chance dependent on people or situations. If you are determined to stay happy even in the challenging phase of your life, you can figure out an appropriate way to respond to the situations and at the same time discover the reasons to stay happy. So to enjoy everlasting happiness is life, be determined to stay happy.

7. Reflect on your blessings and be grateful

Everyone has something in their life to be grateful for. Most of us have many, many blessings. A simple ritual of daily reflection is enough to center in on them and allows us to take a few moments to express personal gratitude for all that we have been given in life. Good health, loving family, satisfying relationships, an enjoyable career – the list is endless and highly personal. There’s also a scientific basis for the statement that gratitude helps increase happiness, demonstrating that it also helps protect you from negativity, stress, depression, and anxiety.

8. Create a gratitude journal

Create a gratitude journal and write down five things daily for which you are grateful.

9. Do random acts of kindness

Make it a point to perform a random act of kindness every day. This can be as simple as holding the door, paying for coffee for the next in line, helping a co-worker bring in boxes, or saying “thank you” to the clerk at the office supply store. This simple act not only makes someone else’s day, it brightens yours as well.

10. Get physical

Exercise makes us feel better, look better and sleep better by releasing dopamine into the brain, easing stress and anxiety and increasing energy. Physical activity can also boost happiness, and significantly decrease depression. Even moderate exercise done three times a week for 30 minutes can have major effects on one’s happiness, cites another study. So get up and get moving to stimulate your mind and shake up a normally cubicle-centric daily life.

Start by taking a 30-minute walk three times a week.

11. Preserve Your Faith

It is very much natural to feel tensed or worried when you have to face the challenges of life. But if you are able to preserve your faith in face of challenges, it will come to your rescue and help you to stay happy. Your faith can enable you to see the silver lining in the difficulties and motivate you to discover new opportunity to have a happy and enriching life. So to get over the challenges of life smoothly and raise your happiness quotient, you need to preserve your faith in tough phase of your life.

12. Do what you love and most passionate about

Pursuing your passions is highly conducive to increased happiness and, contrary to a mistaken notion that to do so is selfish, when you do what you’re most passionate about, you’re helping develop your potential, broadening your horizons and contributing to higher self-esteem and overall well-being.

13. Connect with others to reap the benefits of Sharing

The secret to increase the happiness quotient is about sharing it with others. By sharing your happiness with others, you strengthen the bond of your relationship and that in turn increases the level of your happiness quotient. Having a healthy relationship with near and dear one is very much essential for happiness because relationship not only provides social security but emotional support as well in time of need.

Go to dinner parties. Host dinner parties. Meet a friend for coffee. Eat lunch with your son at school. If you do nothing else to boost your happiness, do this. Connectedness pays out dividends in happiness.

14. Volunteer

Volunteering offers vital help to people in need but the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. Volunteering and helping others can help you reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. Giving of yourself can help others in need and improve your health and happiness.

15. Take steps to enrich your life.

Seeking knowledge, exploring unknown areas, pushing yourself to go beyond your current skill set or experience, striving to learn something new — these are steps each of us can take to not only enrich our life but also maximise personal joy and happiness.

16. Create goals and plans to achieve what you want most

If you expect or desire to achieve a certain standard of living, aspire to earn a college degree, receive a promotion, buy a house, marry and have children or any other goal you find meaningful and purposeful, you must identify the goal first and then create action plans to help you achieve what you want.

17. Live in the moment

Worry about the past or anxiety over the future are both counterproductive and a waste of time. Instead, to add to your happiness quotient, change your mindset so that you live in the present. Another way of saying this is to be present. When you focus on now, this moment, you are more aware of your surroundings, your breath, how you feel, what’s going on with your loved ones, family, friends, co-workers, other drivers and everything in your immediate environment. You’re alive and fully aware of it. Being present is a proactive way to increase your happiness and something anyone can do.

18. Be good to yourself

Overeating, drinking too much, staying up all hours and other bad habits aren’t good for you physically or mentally. Instead, embark on a lifestyle that includes healthy behaviors: eat nutritious foods, cut down or cut out alcoholic intake, get sufficient and restful sleep, hydrate well, exercise regularly and take frequent breaks so that you give yourself breathing time between tasks. You’ll be healthier and happier because of being good to yourself.

19. Practice mindfulness

Spirituality is nothing but the science that postulates the wisdom, techniques and processes of fostering happiness. Spirituality does provide a tool to calm the mind and cope with the stresses of life. It does empower one to face realities of life and deal with them happily with care, compassion and courage.

20. Walk in nature

The benefits of getting outside and walking in nature have long been documented as easy, convenient ways to increase happiness. For one thing, the physical act of exercise releases endorphins in your brain that elevate mood and make you feel better. Walking in nature also highlights other aspects of joyful, happy living such as a greater appreciation of natural beauty, thankfulness that you’re alive and healthy enough to be physically active, helping to tone your body and improve cardiovascular, lung and other vital bodily functions.

21. Have enough quality sleep

Considering how the lack of sleep can negatively affect our mood the following day, it perhaps makes more sense to get enough of it every day, become happier, and consequently increase our productivity at work.

22. Buy some experience

Aside from strengthening social relationships, the experience also becomes more and more memorable as time passes. Our minds naturally reinterpret our experiences retrospectively and holistically in a positive manner.

For instance, each time we revisit our cherished memories of the last vacation trip we took with family or friends, the hassles and frustrations experienced during the trip are conveniently forgotten.

23. Cut down on travelling time

You can’t adapt to commuting, because it’s entirely unpredictable. Driving in traffic is a different kind of hell every day.

Before accepting a new job offer, take into account how much time you need to take to get to work each day. If, however, you’re already stuck in one which requires you to drive for an hour or more each day, you might want to consider other available means of commute.

In Portland, Oregon, it was found that bicycle commuters are the happiest lot, followed by people who walk to work. Lone drivers are the least happy of all.

24. Get a pet

Most pet owners would agree that their pets have brought them joy and good memories. Amazingly, pet owners tend to have greater self-esteem, are less depressed and less lonely and they even exercise more!

25. Spend Time With Happy People.

We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. We are greatly influenced by our social networks. Those closest to us affect our thinking self-esteem and decisions. Everyone is their own person, but research indicates that we are more affected by our environment than we think.

Happiness is contagious, so make sure you are surrounded by shiny happy people.


Happiness is a choice. If you actively and consciously take charge of your happiness by choosing to divide your time judiciously in these activities, then you are sure to up your "Happiness Quotient!"

Finally, happiness is not a destination; it does not exist at particular destination. Happiness needs to be created and increased on the way of the journey of life. The secret to increase the happiness quotient is not only in obtaining but also in sharing. The onus to increase the happiness quotient is on you, and the secret is longer a secret for you so what are you waiting for. It is your birthright to have a happy life, and it is you who are responsible for your happiness. So do not hold yourself back from enjoying a happy life. Make an effort not only to create but increase your happiness quotient.

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Ishan Jain

Author & Editor

An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.


  1. Happiness can be gained by too tiny efforts
    Throw out the negativity of yours
    Bring positivity
    So simple ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
