Radiate Love: Blessing of Being in a Higher Vibration!


Yes, vibration exists. We (and everything else on the planet) are made up of energy. Additionally, a majority of our bodies are made up of water. You are more than just your physical body. You are energy vibrating in a Universe made of vibrating energy. Your energy vibrations attract like energy to you. This means that whatever is at a similar energy vibration to you will appear in your life.

Yes, vibration exists. We (and everything else on the planet) are made up of energy. Additionally, a majority of our bodies are made up of water. You are more than just your physical body. You are energy vibrating in a Universe made of vibrating energy. Your energy vibrations attract like energy to you. This means that whatever is at a similar energy vibration to you will appear in your life.

If you are vibrating at the same energy frequency as a cup of coffee, your energy vibrations attract a cup of coffee to you.

If you are vibrating at the same energy frequency as someone you haven’t heard from in years, your energy vibrations attract that person into your life. You might meet randomly, receive a phone call from him or her, or you might hear his/her name mentioned in a conversation.

If you are vibrating at the same energy as debt, your energy vibrations attract debt. You might find yourself always having debt or you might watch your debt increase over time.

This is why it’s important that you learn how to control your energy vibration. When you control your energy vibration, you control what your vibrations attract – good and bad.

What Are Your Energy Vibrations Attracting?

It isn’t what you think about that you’re attracting. It isn’t what you’re feeling that attracts. It isn’t even what you want that you attract. These are ways to tell what you’re attracting to you, but they don’t actually attract.

You attract what matches your energy vibration.

It might help to think of yourself as a radio tower emitting a signal. Your tower is the essence of who you are. It represents who you are in any moment – how you project yourself into the world. These projections are the energy you give off that attracts like energy to you.

If you see yourself as a wealthy individual, if it is the essence of who you are and how you project yourself to the world, then you will attract wealth to you. Money and riches will come to you effortlessly.

But if you see yourself as someone who never has enough, or who struggles to pay their bills every month, then that is the essence of who you are and how you project yourself to the world. Your radio tower emits the signal of not enough, of lack, of poverty…and attracts back to you these same things.

The Benefits of Being in a Higher Vibration

We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem.

We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the heavier your problems seem. Here you may experience pain and discomfort in your physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. Psychically, your energy is darker. You need to exert a great deal of effort to accomplish your goals. Despair and desperation due to challenges will consume those vibrating at a lower frequency. Overall, your life takes on a negative quality.

The higher the frequency of your energy or vibration, the lighter you feel in your physical, emotional, and mental bodies. You experience greater personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. You have little, if any, discomfort or pain in your physical body, and your emotions are easily dealt with. Your energy is literally full of light! Your life flows with synchronicity, and you manifest what you desire with ease. Overall, your life takes on a positive quality.

When you choose to be in a higher vibration, you are an example. Choosing the light of a higher vibration requires a firm commitment to it even when it feels as though you no longer fit in. Understand that those with the lower vibration have the potential to raise their frequency. Remember that you will be able to find people who resonate at a higher vibration where you will have the support you need to keep your light shining bright.

The Healing Vibration of Love

Love is a flowing energy, an energy that permeates everything with light. Flow feels good, right? It’s soothing, smooth, gentle, uplifting, kind… By contrast, hate is a forceful energy that pushes against everything and damages it; and if you are sending out forceful energy, that’s what you’ll get back. Spend time every day sending out waves and waves of LOVE!

Love is the most Sacred and cogent feeling of all. It Distinguishes humans from living beings. A heart that loves is free from all the ill feelings and evil and can never go wrong in any decision it takes.

Love knows no Size, Color, Age, Caste or Social status. Love brings in Happiness, courage, Zeal n Zest and gives us a purposeful life. Blessed are those who fall in love and then rise in it with the firm move while radiating the power of love from within.

If having more love in your life is a priority for you, you can learn to become a magnet for love with these nine simple steps.

When we live in the love vibration, our energy resonates at a high frequency and we express the God-qualities of compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, respect, generosity, joy, peace—all that inspires, empowers, and enhances life. The love vibration lifts us to a higher state of consciousness and frees us of the thoughts, feelings, and actions that minimize and victimize us.

  • Keeping Our Ego in Check

Living in the love vibration may be a simple concept to understand, but it can be our most difficult challenge. Living in the love vibration means keeping our ego/personality in check as we relate to people and circumstances from “the high watch,” our soul-self.

Our ego easily indulges in the dramas of life. We invest emotional and physical energy in advancing the ego through superiority, security, and status. Free from the baggage of negativity and limited thinking, we begin to feel lighter and shine brighter. We become the magnet attracting our good.

  • Embracing Wholeness

When we live in the love vibration, we know that all aspects of life are connected and that we each have the potential—indeed, the responsibility—to become whole. To clarify: Connection means that every presence on this planet (human, animal, plant, mineral) is a unique expression of God and that we are all interdependent. There is no separation ... we are all cells of the living God, and what affects one, affects us all.

Wholeness, on the other hand, means being complete as an individual and in harmony and balance at all levels of our being—body, mind, and spirit. Our brokenness is often due to feelings of unworthiness and pain from the past. Living in the love vibration keeps us focused in the present moment, connected and at one with ourselves and all there is.

  • Embracing Love

Living in the love vibration is our birthright and directs the unfolding of our life's passion. In this state of being, we are heart-centered in thought, word, and deed. We project the high frequency of love and light, and it returns to us. This is the law of attraction.

You know when you're living in the love vibration because you can feel it. It feels like a natural high. It is a feeling of connection, of wholeness, of lightness and expansion. Meditation, miracles of nature, emotional ecstasy, and places of awesome beauty can give us similar feelings of bliss.

  • Cultivate Self-Love

What does this truly mean? How can you do it? Accept yourself fully! Accept your brilliance. A great exercise to help in this area is to identify ten of your best qualities or characteristics and write them down. Feel proud of your personal strengths. Ask others what they think your best qualities are, and even though it may be difficult, choose to believe them. If you get down on yourself, pull out the list and reread it.

As you generate love within for who you are, you radiate it outwards and attract it back in spades. All the vibrational energy you radiate creates the outcomes, the experiences, and the events of your life. When your vibration reflects your love and confidence and self-acceptance, you become a magnet for others operating at that same frequency.

  • Discover Your Passions

Passion lives in your heart, not your head. When you talk about things you are passionate about, you light up. You wake up to who you really are. The more passion you feel for yourself and your life, the more passion others will feel for you. When you feel passionate about what you are doing, you radiate energy and enthusiasm. Others pick up on this, consciously or not, and are attracted to it. Passion is magnetic. It gives you confidence and energy and raises your vibration. Passionate people excite others. They tend to make great first impressions, and others take notice. When you’re talking about your passion or living it, you’ll find yourself attracting people with the same passions – and people will be attracted to your strong life force. Your passion may be the basis for a new relationship or will help strengthen an existing one.

  • Share Your Light

Attracting love into your life is ultimately not about what you get, but what you give. Smile. Be the light. Be the first to speak. A simple smile raises your vibration instantly, and when you smile, you radiate love! See if you can brighten someone's day by something you do or say. Remember that the smallest acts of kindness can have the greatest impact. Share your inner light with acts of kindness; by sharing your inner light with others, the light will grow not only in you, but will ripple out to each soul you meet.

There are hundreds of things you could say throughout the day to show appreciation for the people in your life. Even something small, like writing a quick note or making a phone call to say “I’m thinking about you” can make someone’s day. When you become a source of love and share it with your families, co-workers, friends, and communities, you become one with all the love that exists and it flows to you with power and grace. Take action and give of yourself but don't give to get in return. To truly become a magnet for love, share love without attachments and expectations.

  • Open Your Heart and Let Go of Fear

Thank, bless, and release those who are no longer in your life, and be grateful for the lessons they have taught you. Relationships can be such an amazing vehicle for growth. As you grow from past relationships, embracing the myriad ways in which your life lessons have come, you raise your vibration and attract others of higher vibration into your life. Make a conscious choice to open your heart to love regardless of what has happened in your past. Gratefully accept the lessons each moment brings (letting go of those ideals not met). Decide today that fearlessly sharing love will be a priority for you.

  • Choose Optimism and Gratitude

To be optimistic is to know that everything is always working out for the highest good of you and everyone around you. Embrace laughter, joy, and lightheartedness. The world is stunningly beautiful when you walk around with your heart and eyes wide open. Seeing beauty is like seeing all the positive elements in the world. Sometimes it isn’t entirely obvious, yet just like looking for the positive and the good, seeing beauty can be practiced – and once you start noticing the beauty it’s easier to notice more and more.

  • Committing to the Love Vibration

To continually live in the love vibration takes considerable commitment and vigilance. It is all too easy to regress into fear, judgment, or self-righteousness.

Prayer, meditation, inspirational readings, and service to others are all excellent ways to attract connection, wholeness, and love.

Love is the elixir for joy and the antidote to pain. Love fuels the fire of our passion. Love lifts us from our limitations to our potential. Love transcends time and space. Love transmutes differences and prejudices. Love heals. Love is the vibration of Spirit, the song of the Universe. Love is the alpha and the omega.

The point of life and love is to let your heart be affected. Strive to touch the hearts of others and leave an impact on their hearts. Let your soul shine! Be authentic. There is nobody else on this earth just like you. Step into your truth wholeheartedly and find and live your passion and purpose. The world needs more love, light, and laughter. The more love you feel in your heart, the more love you will experience in the world. Radiate love and shine on. It’s amazing what people do for love, and it’s even more amazing what loves does to people. As always, choose love!

Spread Love! Spread the Joy!

Ishan Jain

Author & Editor

An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.


  1. It's a beautiful blog
    Just perfect
    Love causes our growth & confidence ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
    Positive vibes heal our souls
