See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil !

2nd October is Gandhi Jayanthi, the birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, in India. His method of winning Independence for India was unique. He preached and practiced non-violence and non-cooperation to achieve his goal. He campaigned to uplift the downtrodden, to ease poverty, expand woman’s rights, build religious and ethnic amity, end untouchability and more.

2nd October is Gandhi Jayanthi, the birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation, in India. His method of winning Independence for India was unique. He preached and practiced non-violence and non-cooperation to achieve his goal. He campaigned to uplift the downtrodden, to ease poverty, expand woman’s rights, build religious and ethnic amity, end untouchability and more.

What Gandhi achieved in his life was a miracle. He lived in the hearts of millions of Indians and was respected by all. He laid great emphasis on banishing untouchability, promoting Hindu-Muslim unity, promoting literacy and in the development of a great nation —India. He moved the people with his sincerity and sacrifice. At his behest, they were ready to lay down their lives for the freedom of the country from foreign powers. His name lives on. Even after all these years, his principles, dedication and mission continue to inspire the country.


The main reason why people are inspired by Gandhiji is his philosophy of non-violence. He used non-violence to free India from British. His manner of dressing shows us his unwillingness to use foreign products. He always told the people to do their work on their own without depending on others. He tried to eradicate the evil existing at that time — untouchability. These are the reasons why I am inspired by Gandhiji. Though he is not with us today, his great sayings and doings will go on inspiring many people.

‘See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil’

When we’re constantly exposed to evil, we don’t realize the damage it does. The purpose of these monkeys is to help us let go of the evil we wish to beat. Evil is like poison. Whatever it comes in contact with, it wrecks. Besides, what one exposes oneself to, one is bound to attract more. To protect ourselves, we must see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

To live in peace, we must first cleanse our souls. If we wish for harmony in our lives, we must start with our habits. As they say, “Hear all, see all and speak out for freedom and liberty, if you want to live in peace.”

See No Evil

The first monkey urges us to not let evil enter into our system through sight. Whenever we witness violence, it causes us to act more violently. When we ‘see’ evil, we internalize it. It becomes a part of us, wreaking havoc on our bodies and minds.

Hear No Evil

Ketan, the second monkey urges us to rely on our own senses and experiences. If we ‘hear’ evil, we tend to react. We will always find people who rebuke us, hurt our sentiments and sensitivity. It is necessary to ignore such people, and not let evil in.

Speak No Evil

The third monkey reminds us that our words should never hurt the sentiments of others. He implores us to always ‘speak’ with grace and great discretion. We must choose to avoid spiteful words – words that lack empathy.

Walk in the truth

Gandhiji known as the Father of the Nation and for students like me as Bapu, is the inspiration for millions of people not only during the freedom movement, but even today. He used tools like upavas, satyagraha, ahimsa and non- cooperation to achieve his goal. His most endearing qualities were his insistence to always tell the truth and his disciplined way of life.

Total understanding

I believe the people of India were inspired to follow Gandhiji because he never claimed to be a God or a super human. He admitted his mistakes and never blamed anyone. He was just another simple Indian, and his methods could be easily understood by both the educated and the poor. His humility and depth of understanding in the simplest of actions has made him the “Mahatma”.

Extraordinary will

Gandhiji has shown us how to live by setting an example. He was an ordinary man with an extraordinary will to live his life according to the principles of truth and nonviolence. What he preached he first practiced.


Gandhiji believed in non-violence and peace. He was a freedom fighter but differed from other freedom fighters because of his determination. He never gave up and he never lost hope, even when his struggle met with failure. He didn't let go of his belief in non-violence.

Showing by doing

Mahatma Gandhi's life itself is a textbook. He never asked anyone to do anything, but showed everyone how to do it. He is also a true role model for the new generation since he was himself an ideal example for everything he spoke and taught. He inspires because his life still shows the most beautiful picture of love, peace, honesty and truth.

Positive energy

Gandhiji's truthfulness inspires us the most. He was human like us, but he tried to overcome his weaknesses and succeeded in it. Liberating the country was his true desire and not for any other motive or self interest. Unlike today's politicians, he didn't have dual personality. He didn't crave publicity. People who came in contact with him felt his positive energy.


The person who freed our nation without even a thought of violence is our Mahatama Gandhi. He was an intellectual and turned negative things to positive. I am inspired by his sense of sacrifice. He experienced joy in giving and uplifting the masses.

Simple and Peace-Loving

Gandhiji led a simple life. He helped people in need without expecting anything in return. He played a significant role fighting against the British rule and making India an independent nation. He encouraged the people of India to fight for freedom and bring peace and harmony to the nation. Gandhiji's simplicity and love towards others made him closer to the common man. At all stages during the freedom movement, he preached and practiced only Ahimsa or non-violence. He did not believe in wars and conflicts as solutions. It is these qualities that Gandhiji exhibited that inspired people to follow him.


Gandhiji practised simplicity. He was fearless in speaking the truth and he practiced non-violent methods to put across his point of view. These principles were first practiced by him in his day-to-day life before he asked others to follow them. He gave value to the lives of untouchables, naming them children of God. His nature of feeling the pain of his brethren and fasting for their cause shows his empathy towards human beings.

According to me what inspired people to follow Gandhiji is his courage and confidence. He never hesitated to be on the path of truth and needed no one to support him. He knew for certain that he was doing the right thing. When we do the right we need not have any fear.

Brave and confident

I am inspired by Gandhi as he was a brave and confident person who followed the path of non-violence (ahimsa). He sacrificed his life for the sake of the country. He was a great leader and is my favorite hero. He showed me simple living and high thinking.

From the villages

Mahatma Gandhiji had a large following of people from the villages because he said “Graamraajya hi Raamraajya”. It means that if villages live in prosperity with adequate agriculture and irrigation, the village would flourish as if god himself was ruling the village. He meant that the growth of cities and towns depended on the growth of the villages. He believed in “Graamraajya”. So, he told them that this would be the root of India's glorious independence.

Devotion to work

Gandhiji, affectionately called Bapu, was determined and dedicated towards his work. Satayagraha, the Dandi March, the Non-Cooperation Movement and other kinds of major steps which he took are evidence of his “determination”. He was also dedicated and considered all work to be important.


It was Gandhiji's simple way of living and his strong, determined character that influenced millions of people to rally in support. His concepts of Satyagraha and Ahimsa sparked interest and enthusiasm in many Indians. He inspired patriotism in every single Indian.

Inspiring trust

Gandhiji never told people to follow him or regard himself as a leader. He never intended to lead but he chose to follow. He followed the truth and what brought happiness to his people. His simplicity, self confidence, truthfulness and empathetic nature made people admire him. He became a leader not because of the false promises he gave to the people like today's politicians but because of the belief nurtured by the people in his deeds.

In the right path

Seek the truth and it will set you free. This was the principle of Gandhiji. The reason why people followed him is because each and every action of his was rational and beneficial to the common man. Today not only we, Indians, but the whole world try to follow his philosophy.

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Ishan Jain

Author & Editor

An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.


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