Understand How The Law of Vibration and Attraction affects your LIFE!!

 “Any idea that is held in the mind that is either feared or revered will, begin at once  to clothe itself in the most convenient and appropriate physical forms available.”

Among the “spiritual” laws of life, “The Law of Attraction” is the underlying principle which governs the level of your personal prosperity. However, to help you achieve a really solid grasp of this concept, it will be necessary for us to focus briefly on another law; namely, the “Law of Vibration.”

The Law of Vibration accounts for the difference between mind and matter; between the physical and the nonphysical worlds. According to the Law of Vibration, we postulate that everything vibrates or moves; nothing sits idle. “Rates of vibration” are called “frequencies,” and the higher the frequency, the more potent the force.

Since thought is one of the highest forms of vibration, it is very potent in nature and therefore, it must be understood by all of us.


To vibrate means: “to move backwards and forwards, to oscillate, to shake, to quiver, to swing, to waver, to cause to quiver.”

To obtain a more graphic conceptualisation of the idea of Vibration, you must know that everything on earth is made up of electrons, protons and neutrons. The electrons which compose the body, are continuously moving, shaking, quivering, or vibrating, at the rate of 186,300 miles per second even if your body is still.

The body appears still to you, but in reality it is in a constant state of motion. Of course, although such motion is imperceptible to the naked eye, under a high-powered microscope it would become very apparent, indeed.

Positive And Negative Personalities

“The mind in itself and in its own place can make a hell out of heaven or a heaven out of hell.”

People, as a rule, can be classified as positive personalities (optimists) or negative personalities (pessimists).

Those individuals who are positive in their thoughts always tend to look upon the brighter side of life. With their faces turned toward the sunshine, they attempt to see the good, even in the bad. Such individuals habitually think thoughts of a positive nature and they are a blessing to the world. They are in a “Positive Vibration,” and therefore attract other positive personalities to them.

Negative personalities, on the other hand, habitually look upon the dark, gloomy, and depressing side of life. Even the good holds some bad for them. They dwell on the bad and the negative. They think about it, anticipate it, expect it, and invariably they receive what they have been seeking.

Due to the negative vibration which they keep themselves in, they of course attract other miserable personalities to them. As you are already aware, “misery loves company.”

Their state of mind can be compared to the person who, upon being asked how he felt, said, “I feel alright today, but I might feel bad tomorrow.”

Negative personalities are depressing to everyone around them. Their faces take on the expression, in physical form, of the negative thoughts which they are holding in their minds. Each day, one can observe such individuals passing on the street. No cheer, no joy radiates from them—just gloom, frowns and hostility. Having created their own hell for themselves, they seem to enjoy wallowing in it.

The law of Polarity and Relativity states that for every positive there is an equal and opposite negative.

Therefore, both personality types are necessary, so you can develop the awareness to distinguish one from the other, and in that manner, choose the one which will advance you in life.

You do have Free Will. You can choose which of these two personality types you wish to adopt.

Therefore, if a person is constantly negative, but tires of that state, the person may, through awareness and proper effort, change himself into a positive personality type of individual.

Understand this—The Law of Vibration will give people the awareness they require, to make the personality changes they desire.

The Brain — The Body

The human body, believe it or not, is one of the most efficient electrical instruments in this entire universe. The human brain, similarly, is probably the most efficient electrical instrument ever created. Both are truly marvels.

The brain is the part of the body where all manner of frequencies are transformed from one frequency level into another. In the brain, for example, sensations are transformed into muscular action. Sound, heat, light and thought are also, each in their turn, transformed into other frequencies, each affecting the body. In the final analysis, the brain is simply a vibratory instrument. To begin to understand its functioning you must undertake the study of the Law of Vibration.

Since the early 1940’s, we have had at our disposal the EEG (electroencephalograph), which reads the electrical activity of the brain, and the ECG (electrocardiograph), which traces the electrical changes which occur during heart contractions.

Therefore, vibrations are certainly not something which are new to us. Indeed, all of us have an awareness of them. However, the problem which we encounter is that the vast majority of people are not aware of the connection between their vibrations and their results in life.

It is, unfortunately, a very common sight to see people in bad or confused vibrations, busily attempting—through force—to achieve good results.

However, due to the negative vibration which they are in, they are continually being bombarded by all manner of negative people and situations, which by law, are being attracted to them. Consequently, at some point, their battle must become overwhelming for them.

These people may be likened to a person who is jumping off the top of a building, and trying to go up, at one and the same time. The result, in either case, would be equally predictable and equally disastrous.

Everything Is Energy, Everything Vibrates

For you to gain a better awareness of how you are to take control over your results (i.e. to better understand how and why the thoughts and things come into your life as they do), you must go back to the basic premise with which we started: namely, everything vibrates and nothing stands still.

However, by virtue of your Free Will and the many other mental factors in your marvellous mind, you have the Co-Creative ability to cause vibratory changes to take place at your bidding in your life.

The cause for our lack of ability to exercise this tremendous power for good is nothing other than our own ignorance about the Law of Vibration.

Let There Be Light—Your Connecting Link

Slowly but surely, let us see with our inner eye of understanding, how you may “connect” with the good that you desire, to improve the quality of your own life.

Everything Is An Expression Of The Same Thing

Everything in this entire universe is connected to everything else in this entire universe, through the Law of Vibration. Just as the colours in a rainbow are connected in such a way that you are not able to tell where one colour stops and the other begins, so too are you unable to distinguish where one “thing” starts and another one stops. Everything in this universe is connected to everything else in this universe, just as the water that boils is connected to the steam into which it transmutes, and the steam is connected to the ether or air into which it changes.

You too are connected to everything in the universe. Whether you can see it with the naked eye or not is unimportant. The only physical difference which exists between one thing and another, relates to the density or the amplitude of their vibration.

When you hold the image of your goal on the screen of your mind, in the present tense, you are vibrating in harmony (in resonance) with every particle of energy necessary for the manifestation of your image on the physical plane. By holding that image, those particles of energy are moving toward you (attraction) and you are moving toward them—because that is the law.

All things are merely manifestations of energy or Spirit.

When the world comes to understand this great truth, we will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to be different. The true dividing lines for mankind are not borders, colour or language, but simply ignorance and its polar opposite, understanding.


Helping Others Feel Better

You automatically like people who cause you to feel good. It would necessarily follow, therefore, that others will like you when you cause them to feel good, or when you move them into a more positive vibration.

Vibratory control of the body, mind and soul of a person gives you a means for the restoration of positive vibrations, through the medium of resonant electric waves of the brain cells, from you to another person.

As already stated, the human body, including the brain, is a high-powered electrical instrument.

Therefore, you are a veritable “broadcasting station,” relative to other people. When the “tune in” between you and them has been completed, or when the composite personality has been established between you and the other person, the other person becomes recharged, more energetic, and more positive as a result of his contact with you.

The process of transmitting energy between you and the other person is exactly the same as the process which takes place between the broadcasting station and the radio. That is to say, laws which are identical in nature, govern both phenomena.

Vibrations And Attitude

Every physical thing throws off a vibration.

Everything which you see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, throws off a vibration because these things, like everything else, are in a constant state of motion.

Whenever you get near enough to them to enter into their “sphere of vibration,” you will be affected by that vibration, whether you realize it or not. Have you ever noticed, for example, how peaceful you feel (vibrate) while walking alone in the woods?

As soon as a person starts to think, he starts brain cells vibrating. Since the air we breathe is literally “filled” with both positive and negative types of vibrations, they are constantly bouncing into your brain. This means, if you should run into an electromagnetic vibratory field of negative thoughts, you will, if you are that type of person, become negative yourself. Conversely, if you run into a positive vibratory field, you will experience the opposite of the negative; namely, the positive.

Why some people respond anger with anger, and some remain at peace?

Let us suppose that another person is vibrating to “Anger Concepts.” If you are the type of person who becomes easily angered and you happen to enter the vibratory field of those anger vibrations, then those vibrations will strike the “anger cells” in your own brain. A condition of resonance being present, those vibrations will start your brain cells vibrating and your entire being will move into that vibration. You will become irritated or angry (even though you may, or may not know, the cause of your own anger). If you do not understand what has happened, you will be at a loss to change the conditions which caused the effect in the first place.

Become A Mental Magnet

Attract What You Need For The Physical Manifestation Of Your Image

If it is true that energy, or Spirit, is neither created nor destroyed and everything in its original state is either energy or Spirit, it necessarily follows that everything you will ever want is already here. It is simply a matter of choosing the thoughts which will put you into harmonious vibration with the good that you desire.

Everything you are seeking is seeking you in return. Therefore, everything you want is already yours. So you don’t have to get anything; it is simply a matter of becoming more aware of what you already possess.

Once you understand the Law of Vibration, you are in a position to insulate yourself against the negative vibrations. You can then be in control of yourself, in the true sense of the word, and you will begin to attract to you the things and circumstances that you choose.

The secret to receiving, on the physical plane, the results you desire is always locked into the Law of Attraction.

The Acorn Analogy

 “All of the processes of nature are successful. Nature knows no failures. She never plans anything but success. She aims at results in every form and manner. To succeed in the best and fullest sense of the term we must, with nature as our model, copy her methods. In her principles and laws we shall discover all the secrets of success.”

To gain a better understanding of how the law of attraction actually works in your lives. Please visualise, if you are an acorn seed. Now, every seed has a nucleus or a patterned plan within it, which dictates the vibration it will be in and which thereby governs the end-product into which it will expand or grow.

I believe you are all aware of this fact: everything in the universe is governed by a basic law—“Either create or disintegrate.” Therefore, it follows that, if something is not in the process of growing, it must, by the law of its being, be dying. For example, so long as the acorn is kept out of the earth, it is slowly but surely disintegrating. However, as soon as you plant the acorn in the earth, the patterned plan or the vibratory rate of the acorn sets up an attractive force and the acorn begins to attract everything that vibrates in harmony with it.

Now consider this—if you were to put two drops of water and two drops of oil on a table and then you were to move them together, the two drops of water would resonate and become one larger drop of water, as they came in contact with each other. On the other hand, if you were to move the water toward the oil, they would actually repel each other because they are not in harmonious vibration.

Likewise, with the acorn, the only things which join with the acorn are those particles of energy which are vibrating in harmony with it. All the other particles of energy, which make up the earth, are repelled.

The roots, the trunk, the bark, the branches, the twigs, and the leaves, are all in the universe and they are attracted to the acorn, because of the nucleus or the patterned plan which rests within the seed. As the acorn continues to expand, at some point it ceases to be an acorn and it begins to become an oak tree.

Now, unlike the human creature, the acorn does not have the ability to change its vibratory rate. It can therefore only grow into what it has been programmed to grow into; namely, an oak tree. You are much like the acorn in many respects. For example, you are also a “seed,” relative to the whole scheme of things. However, the difference between you and the acorn is that since you are a co-creator, you can choose your own programming. Therefore, the image you choose to hold, on the screen of your conscious mind, and plant deeply in the treasury of your subconscious mind is the patterned plan or the nucleus which determines what you will eventually grow into. It dictates the vibration you will be in and also controls what you will attract to you and what you will repel.

This is an orderly universe; nothing happens by accident. The images which you plant in your marvellous mind instantly set up an attractive force, which governs your results in life. You must remember though, if your image is continually fluctuating, you will continually be growing into something different and that sets in motion a most chaotic process. Unfortunately, those individuals who are unaware of these very exact laws are planting images of plenty in their minds one minute and then images of poverty the next. They are continually “switching” vibrations, so they are attracting good things one minute and then bad things the next. The sad truth is, the vast majority of people spend their entire lives oscillating between these two extreme positions, with the resulting effect that their lives become disordered and chaotic to the “nth” degree.

Although it is true that everything you will ever want is already here, it is up to you to get into harmony with it. Clearly, you will never get into harmony with prosperity, if you insist upon holding images of lack and limitation in the storehouse of your marvellous mind. Since you are always magnetised toward something, it follows it can never be anyone else’s fault, when something comes into your life you supposedly do not want. Understand you have ordered it and it is being delivered to you, right on schedule!


Ishan Jain

Author & Editor

An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.


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