What is the right way to reap amazing health benefits of drinking water and lemonade?

Ishan Jain

Keeping the logic of Ayurveda and biology in mind, it is quite clear that drinking water while standing is not good for the body at all cost. So, one should stop the practice today, for a healthy lifestyle.

Why is it bad to drink water while standing?

According to health experts and Ayurveda, the idea of drinking water in standing position is directly related to the speed at which water goes into the body. Your posture plays an important role in water intake. The nerves are in state of tension when we drink water rapidly in standing position which disrupts the balance of fluids leading to increase in toxins and indigestion in the body. Since the water goes directly through, the required nutrients and vitamins don't reach the liver and digestive tract. This is because when you stand and drink water, it travels through the system really fast and you risk your lungs and heart functions. The oxygen levels also get disturbed this way. It also accumulates fluids in the joints triggering arthritis and joint damage. It also affects the filtration process of water by the kidneys. Impurities in kidney and bladder leads to urinary tract infections.

Keeping the logic of Ayurveda and biology in mind, it is quite clear that drinking water while standing is not good for the body at all cost. So, one should stop the practice today, for a healthy lifestyle.

What is the right way to drink water?

Are you drinking 8 glasses of water every day? If not, then now would be a good time to start. While not having sufficient water has many side-effects, it is equally important that we are mindful of 'how' this water is consumed.

1.     Sit Down to Drink Water Rather than Standing

The correct way to drink water is to sit down with a glass of water, and drink it sip by sip. By sitting and drinking, your muscles and nervous system is much more relaxed and helps the nerves to digest food and other fluids easily. Your kidneys also pace the filtration process while sitting.

2.     Avoid Chugging All the Water at Once

Avoid gulping down large volumes of water in a single breath, rather take smaller sip, swallow, breathe and repeat throughout the day. This holds true while having your meals too.

3.     Drink Room Temperature water, Warm is Even Better

Avoid ice chilled water that disturbs the ongoing process of digestion and puts off the fire. Cold water decreases the blood supply to various organs of the body further leading to constipation. Drinking tepid water can help in proper digestion and metabolism that promotes weight loss, relieves bloating and pain.

4.     Drink Only When You are Thirsty

Every person has a different body, hence, drinking the same amount of water cannot be recommended to everybody. The body cannot absorb too much water intake; therefore it is imperative to know the thirst cues your body gives you. Measure your own drinking system without feeling too full.

5.     Know the Indicators your Body Gives You When You are Thirsty

Your body gives you cues to let you know it needs water. One being, the color of urine, dark yellow color may indicate dehydration, while fairly clear and straw colored urine is a sign of a hydrated and satiated body. Dry chapped lips are one of the indicators of a dehydrated body. Notice these cues as these may turn into health problems.

6.     Drink Water First Thing in the Morning

It helps get rid of many diseases in the body. Drinking water in the morning helps in flushing all the toxins in the body and cleanses your intestines.

7.     Drink Water Stored in Silver and Copper Vessels

Ayurveda has always suggested drinking water stored in copper (tamba) and silver (chaandi) vessels. Copper has numerous antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties that help boost the immune system of the body. It also has anti-cancer properties. Water in the silver vessel has the power to remove free radicals from the body and gives a cooling effect in the intestines and smoothens the process of digestion.

Is drinking water at night bad?

Drinking water before bed has a number of benefits, but drinking too close to bedtime can interrupt your sleep cycle and negatively impact heart health. You must drink enough water throughout the day to avoid dehydration and prevent excess water intake at night. One sign of dehydration is dark urine.

What is the best time to drink lemon water and it’s benefits?

Lemon water is most effective if consumed first thing in the morning. It is recommended to add lemon juice to warm water because it helps extract vitamin C and polyphenols from the lemon and its peel.

Here are 10 amazing benefits you will get to enjoy when you start doing this on a regular basis.

1)     Lemon is packed with vitamin C, which plays an important role in boosting your immunity.

2)   Lemon water makes sure that your body’s pH levels stay under control, preventing many diseases and health disorders.

3)    Lemon is known to possess strong antibacterial properties. Consuming lemon water in the morning will make sure that your body stays free of infections. Lemon contains high amounts of pectin which can do wonders to your colon health.

4)   Lemon also happens to be a strong detox agent. Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning will flush out all the toxins from your system. Lemon is also known to purify your blood, thus keeping your body free from many health disorders.

5)  The citric acid present in lemon will keep digestive problems at bay. It will interact with the other essential enzymes in your stomach and stimulate the secretion of gastric juices.

6)   Studies have observed that the liver produces more enzymes in the presence of lemon when compared to other food items. Enzymes are essential to stimulate, accelerate, and catalyze various chemical reactions in the human body.

7)   Chances are that all the foods you have consumed over your lifetime have intoxicated your liver to a great extend. Lemon water ingested in the morning will help cleanse your liver.  Lemon juice stimulates the liver to flush out all its toxins, reviving it like never before.

8)   Lemon is packed with anti-inflammatory properties that can cure a host of health issues. Drinking lemon water daily will help fight respiratory tract infections to a great extend. It can also help cure sore throats, and inflammation of tonsils.

9)   Lemon is a treasure trove of essential vitamins and minerals that your body can’t do without. It is loaded with calcium, magnesium, potassium, citric acid, phosphorus and many more nutrients that are necessary to keep your body ticking. A glass of lemon water a day can really keep the doctor away!

10) Lemon water can be greatly effective for those who are trying to shed some pounds. Drinking warm lemon water the first thing in the morning will melt away all your fat like magic. The pectin fiber that is present in lemon keeps your cholesterol levels under control and also curbs your hunger, preventing you from overeating or snacking.

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How to develop the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY and use the POWER OF DECISION!

Ishan Jain

ACCURATE survey of over 5000 men and women who experienced failure, disclosed the fact that LACK OF DECISION was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statement of a theory – it is a fact.

There’s a single mental move that turns the Dark to Light! It is DECISION POWER!

ACCURATE survey of over 5000 men and women who experienced failure, disclosed the fact that LACK OF DECISION was near the head of the list of the 30 major causes of FAILURE. This is no mere statement of a theory – it is a fact.

PROCASTINATION, the opposite of DECISION, is a common enemy which practically every man must conquer.

The world’s most successful people share a common quality. They make decisions and rarely if ever change their minds. Yes decision makers go to the top and those who do not make decisions seem to go nowhere. Think about it…

Fame and Fortune Stand there waiting.

They will never fade away. There both yours for the asking, but there’s a price you need to pay…

And what is the price you need to pay?

It’s Persistence yes Persistence that shovels up the gold. Its Persistence, yes Persistence that brings fame and fortune to hold… Persistence DOES build resilience. If you truly wish to Become A Magnet To Money you must be resilient.

Persistence combined with the power of Decision is like carbon is to steel.

Once these two subjects are truly understood your life will change so rapidly and with such passion that all your actions will seem as if Grace was involved every step of the way. Grace will be your experience, for when we are focused and go for it in life no matter what the present circumstances, things will shift and everything we require in life to have our goals and lifelong wishes show up!

So, let’s start with DECISION because none of the success and money we desire is magnetized to us until we know what we want and we have made a Committed DECISION to have what we want!!

Decisions or lack of them are responsible for the breaking or making of careers.

Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark, disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of REACHING DECISIONS PROMPTLY, and of changing these decisions SLOWLY, if, and when they were changed. People who fail to accumulate money, without exceptions, have the habit of reaching decisions, IF AT ALL, very slowly, and of changing these decisions quickly and often.

Individuals who have become very proficient in making decisions without being influenced by the opinions of others are the same people whose annual incomes fall into the six, seven and eight figure category. The person who has never developed the mental strength to make these vital moves is relegated to the lower income ranks their entire commercial career. And more often than not their life becomes little more than a dull boring existence. It’s not just your income that is affected by decisions. Your whole life is dominated by this power. The health of your mind and body, the well being of your family, your social life, the type of relationships you develop, are all dependent upon your ability to make sound decisions.

Making a decision must never be based I will TRY that, but only if this happens first etc. There are no tries, ifs or buts on the road to success and certainly not in real decision making.

Most of us will not often make decisions on our own, many individuals look first to what others will think of their choices. This is not freedom. ONLY YOU know what you want so only YOU should be the one making decisions about your own life. As long as what you decide is not hurting yourself or others GO FOR IT. Especially if what you want is helping educate your mind and spirit then say YES to these things. Let’s repeat this …

No one but YOU knows what is best for you.

You have a brain and mind of your own. USE IT, and reach your own decisions. IF you need facts or information from other people, to enable you to reach decisions, as you probably will in many instances; acquire these facts or secure the information you need quietly, without disclosing your purpose.

Once a decision has been made all will come to our aid to fulfill our goals and worthy ideals. Making a decision is a real commitment and Spirit that is us, as us, KNOWS when we have made a real committed YES to what we want.

How is never our worry, the way How will appear once we have made a REAL DECISION to go for it. Things that before looked impossible now become possible. Do not ask God how this works, take action and make a decision.

Yes, DECISION is a single mental move you can make which in a millisecond will solve enormous challenges for you. It has the potential to improve almost any personal or business situation you will ever encounter, and it can literally propel you down the path to incredible success.

And you’ve already begun by thinking about and digesting this information. This message is causing you to become more aware of the importance of decisions.

James Allen, the great Victorian author, might have been thinking of decisions when he wrote, “We think in secret and it comes to pass. Environment is but our looking glass.”

No one can see you making decisions, but they can always see the results of your decisions. The person who fails to develop this ability, to make decisions, is doomed because indecision sets up internal conflicts which can, without warning, escalate to all out mental and emotional wars. Psychiatrists have a name to describe these internal wars, it is ambivalence. The oxford dictionary tells us that ambivalence is “The coexistence in one person of opposite feelings toward the same objective”.

The person who does permit it to exist will become very despondent and virtually incapable of any type of productive activity. It is obvious that anyone who finds themselves in such a mental state is not living; at best they are merely existing. A decision or a series of decisions would change everything. A very basic law of the universe is; create or disintegrate. Indecision causes disintegration. How often have you heard a person say, “I don’t know what to do?” How often have you heard yourself say, “What should I do?”

Think about some of the indecisive feelings you and virtually everyone else on this planet experience from time to time. Love them/leave them. Leave/Stay. Do it/don’t do it. Go to work/Watch TV. Buy it/don’t buy it. Say it/don’t say it. Tell them/don’t tell them. Everyone, on occasion, has experienced these feelings of ambivalence.

So, make decisions based on what YOU WANT and then do not change your mind and do not let the appearances or other people influence you.

If you want it and it is good for you Make a Decision and go for it…

You must decide what you want!


Find out what you really, really want, way down deep inside and go for it…or you’ll remain in the foothills forever with all the what if folks.

Very few people have admitted to themselves that THIS is what I want. This is what I really want and I’m prepared to give my life for it. That last statement may cause you to sit up and say, “Wait a minute, this Proctor fellow must be mad, give my life for it?” And that’s fine, but you must seriously think about it.


Because you are already giving your life for what you are doing.

What are you doing?

What are you trading your life for?

Are you making a fair trade?

Remember, whatever you are doing was your decision. Or was it? Or was it?

You could possibly be one of those poor people who have been wandering in the foothills leaving the decisions of where you are going and what you are doing with your life to other people. Just following, always following. That is where most people live. If that is the case, that’s OK.

Don’t let it bother you for one more valuable second of your marvelous life. Forgive yourself and that way of life.

Just let it go forever.

Those who reach DECISIONS promptly and definitely, know what they want, and generally get it. The leaders in every walk of life DECIDE quickly, and firmly. That is the major reason why they are leaders. The world has the habit of making room for the man whose words and actions show that he knows where he is going.

INDECISION is a habit which usually begins in youth. The habit takes on permanency as the youth goes through graded school, high school, and even through college, without DEFINITENESS OF PURPOSE. The major weakness of all educational systems is that they neither teach nor encourage the habit of DEFINITE DECISION.

It would be beneficial if no college would permit the enrollment of any student, unless and until the school declared his major purpose in matriculating. It would be of still greater benefit, if every student who enters the graded school were compelled to accept training in the HABIT OF DECISION, and forced to pass a satisfactory examination on this subject before being permitted to advance in the grades.

The habit of INDECISION acquired because of the deficiencies of our school systems, goes with the student into the occupation he choses. ..IF..in fact, he choses his occupation. He takes the first place he finds, because he has fallen into the habit of INDECISION. Ninety-eight out of every hundred people working for wages today, are in the positions they hold, because they lacked the DEFINITENESS OF DECISION to PLAN A DEFINITE POSITION, and the knowledge of how to choose an employer.

DEFINITENESS OF DECISION always requires courage, sometimes very great courage. The person who reaches a DEFINITE DECISION to procure the particular job, and make life pay the prices he asks, does not stake his life on that decision; he stakes his economic freedom. Financial independence, riches, desirable business and professional positions are not within reach of the person who neglects or refuses to EXPECT, PLAN, and DEMAND these things.

At this point you could be asking yourself, “How is a person expected to develop this mental ability?” Well, there is an answer for you. You must do it on your own.

Decision making is definitely a worthwhile subject to study and a mental discipline you can master.

Decision making could be compared to a number of mental disciplines like thinking, Imagineering, meditating or concentrating. Each one, when developed, brings with it tremendous rewards. The person who makes the decision to strengthen these mental muscles receives as their reward what is often considered a charmed life. You can virtually eliminate conflict and confusion in your life by becoming proficient in making decisions. Decision making brings order to your mind. And of course, this order is reflected in your objective world, your results.

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Money, Wealth, Prosperity & Abundance Affirmations !

Ishan Jain

Practising Affirmations forms a most important part of our work in becoming a Magnet To Money, Success, Joy and Peace of Mind. The reason we say practising is because Eternity meditates us…

Practising Affirmations forms a most important part of our work in becoming a Magnet To Money, Success, Joy and Peace of Mind. The reason we say practising is because Eternity meditates us… 

Take these affirmations to your heart because it can change your life for the better and help you become wealthier and more successful than you could ever dream presently.

Money Affirmations Set # 1

1.             I feel Rich

2.             I love money. Money loves me.

3.             I attract money now

4.             I am very happy & grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continuous basis

5.             I am receiving money now

6.             I have more than enough money

7.             I am willing, ready and able to receive money

8.             I see abundance everywhere

9.             I am a money magnet

10.          I am grateful for what I already have and for all that I receive now.

11.          I have more than what I need

12.          Money now comes to me from unexpected sources & I am grateful

13.          My income is growing higher and higher

14.          I am a rich child of a loving universe

15.          I have the power to attract money

16.          I receive money happily now

17.          Money flows to me easily

18.          I am sensible with money and manage it wisely.

19.          I allow my income to constantly expand and I always live in comfort and joy

Money Affirmations Set # 2

1.         I realize that money is essential for leading a good life but that I should not make it the number one priority of life.

2.          The Universe is the constant supplier of money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.

3.             Whatever activities I perform make money for me and I am always full of money.

4.             My bank balance is increasing everyday and I always have enough money for myself.

5.             Money and I are friends and our friendship will never fall apart.

6.             I am a money magnet towards whom money is constantly attracted.

7.             Every day I am attracting and saving more and more money.

8.             Money is an integral part of my life and is never away from me.

9.             I am debt free as money is constantly flowing into my life.

10.          My money consciousness is always increasing and keeping me surrounded by money.

11.          I have a positive money mindset

12.          I am focused on becoming rich

13.          Attracting money is easy

14.          My bank account worth is always growing

15.          Money is good. Money is energy

16.          I am fully supported making money doing what I love to do.

17.          Money comes to me through expected channels and unexpected channels

18.          My income automatically rises higher and higher

Money Affirmations Set # 3

1.             I am open to best things in life

2.             My wallet is overflowing with money

3.             Life is so easy

4.             I welcome money into my life.

5.             I am open and ready to let money into my life.

6.             The money is in my life just as natural as eating, drinking and sleeping.

7.             Money simply falls into my lap

8.             My pockets are full of money

9.             My positive money thoughts are coming true

10.          The universe always serves my highest interest

11.          I can always get whatever I need

12.          Financial success is mine, I accept it now

13.          I love having money

14.          There is enough for everyone

15.          I attract money naturally

16.          My middle name is money.

17.          The more I contribute for others. The more money I make

18.          The more I enjoy life, the more money I make

Money Affirmations Set # 4

1.             The Universe constantly supplies money to me.

2.             I always have enough money to fulfill my needs.

3.             Money and I are friends.

4.             Money is flowing to me.

5.             Money flows easily into my life.

6.             I attract money to me and I am attracted to money.

7.             I love money.

8.             I enjoy making money and strive to have fun in every aspect of my work.

9.             Whatever activities I perform make money for me.

10.          Money flows to me easily, frequently, and abundantly.

11.          I have the power to attract money.

12.          I place no limits on the amount of money I can make.

13.          I attract money naturally.

14.          My bank account is filled with money.

15.          I have an endless supply of cash.

16.          I attract money everywhere I go.

17.          I do have a source of financial flow.

18.          Today is the day of my amazing good fortune.

Money Affirmations Set # 5

1.             I happily see every bill paid now.

2.             I joyfully see every obligation met now.

3.             I am boundless abundance in radiant expression.

4.             I am bountifully supplied with money.

5.             I accept all the joy and prosperity life has to offer.

6.             Financial success comes to me easily and effortlessly.

7.             My income exceeds my expenses.

8.             My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire.

9.             I am a money magnet and prosperity of all kinds is drawn to me.

10.          Money flows to me from expected and unexpected sources.

11.          Today is a delightful day. Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

12.        I am fearless in letting money go out; knowing God is my immediate and endless supply.

13.    I spend money under direct inspiration wisely and fearlessly, knowing my supply is endless and immediate.

14.          My bank account is overflowing with money!

15.          An avalanche of money is coming my way.

16.          I am happily enjoying a lifestyle of luxury.

17.          I now live in a rich and loving universe.

18.          This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.

Money Affirmations Set # 6

1.             I am now accumulating large sums of Money.

2.             Money flows in my life.

3.             I always have more Money coming in than going out.

4.             I am increasingly magnetic to Money.

5.             I create Money through joy, aliveness, and self-love.

6.             As I do what I love, Money flows freely to me.

7.             Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

8.             My savings act as a magnet to draw more Money.

9.             All the Money I spend enriches society and comes back to me multiplied.

10.          All the Money I spend and earn brings me joy.

11.          All my Money is energy awaiting my command to create good in my life.

12.          All my Money is working for me to increase my Abundance, joy and aliveness.

13.          My Money is a source of good for myself and others.

14.          I feel good about all the Money I spend.

15.          Money flows freely and abundantly into my life.

16.          A constant flow of Money is coming to me from Known and Unknown Sources!

17.          I feel good about Money and deserve it in my life.

18.          I am thankful for the comfort and joy that Money provides me.

Money Affirmations Set # 7

1.             I release all my negative beliefs about Money and invite wealth into my life.

2.             Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.

3.             Making Money is good for me and for everyone in my life.

4.             My Money is growing higher and higher now.

5.             Money is an important part of my life and is never away from me.

6.             I clearly see opportunities to effortlessly make Money.

7.             Money always flows to me easily.

8.             I am magnetic to Money, and it is magnetic to me.

9.             Money flows freely in my life.

10.          All the money I need is flowing to me

11.          All of the money I could ever want is flowing to me now.

12.          I always have enough money

13.          I have all of the money, time, talent and energy to accomplish all that I desire.

14.          Money is coming to me every day.

15.          Money now comes to me in abundance in perfect ways

16.          The more money I have, the more money I can use to help myself and others

17.          The more money I have the more money I have to give

18.          Money is always circulating freely in my life and there is always a surplus

19.          Money flows to me like a waterfall

Wealth Affirmations Set # 1

1.             I welcome all the things money can buy

2.             All my bills are paid with wonderful ease

3.             I am passionate about building wealth

4.             I give thanks that I am now rich, wealthy and happy

5.             I have the power to attract wealth

6.             I receive money and wealth in unique ways

7.             All resistance in me to receive more wealth has dissolved in total grace

8.             Wealth and Money comes to me easily & effortlessly

9.             I create money & wealth, joy & happiness in my life

10.          I am increasingly magnetic towards money & wealth

11.          All the money I need is already waiting to reach me

12.          I let go of all my fears about money

13.          I let go of all my inhibitions about money

14.          I spend money without fear

15.          There is plenty of wealth in my life

16.          Money is an energy and it flows freely through me now

17.          All my blockages to receive money have now dissolved

18.          Everything I need to generate wealth is available to me right now

Wealth Affirmations Set #2

1.             I am wealthy right now

2.             I am worthy of receiving more wealth

3.             I love myself, as a wealthy person

4.             I am an abundantly wealthy person

5.             Wealth flows to me

6.             My positive affirmations bring me wealth and prosperity

7.             My self-worth and net worth are increasing

8.             Wealth floats around me continuously

9.             I am passionate about building wealth

10.          I give thanks that I am now rich, wealthy and happy

11.          I have the power to attract wealth

12.          I receive money and wealth in unique ways

13.          There is plenty of wealth in my life

14.          All resistance in me to receive more wealth has dissolved in total grace

15.          Wealth comes to me easily & effortlessly

16.          My mind is open to the infinite supply of wealth

17.          I allow wealth to follow freely & generously in my life

18.          I attract ideal circumstances and opportunities to increase my net worth

Wealth Affirmations Set # 3

1.             I accept and embrace wealth in my life.

2.             I am skilled at creating assets that make me wealthy.

3.             I respect my abilities to generate wealth.

4.             I am living the life of my wealthy dreams.

5.             The Universe has chosen me to be wealthy so that I can help others with my wealth.

6.             I believe anyone can be wealthy — and that includes me.

7.             I recognize and embrace wealth building opportunities.

8.             Every day is a wealthy day.

9.             If others can be wealthy, so can I.

10.          I am always immersed in wealth.

11.          I am passionate about building wealth

12.          I see myself as wealthy and that’s who I am

13.          Wealth is my birthright, and I claim wealth for myself now.

14.          Through my power of intention, I effortlessly attract all the wealth I desire and need.

15.          Great Wealth is flowing to me NOW.

16.          I create Wealth easily and effortlessly.

17.          I dissolve all false messages around creating Wealth.

18.          I BELIEVE anyone can be Wealthy and that includes me.

Wealth Affirmations Set # 4

1.             I have a Wealth of valuable skills and talents.

2.             My wealth situation improves every second of every day.

3.             I see myself as wealthy, and that’s who I am.

4.             I choose wealth and abundance.

5.             My wealth derives from honesty in everything I do.

6.             Wealth is my birth-right, my natural state of being.

7.             All my issues with wealth have disappeared.

8.             I am wealthy.

9.             Whatever I do, it always ends in amassing wealth.

10.          Every day in every way, my wealth is increasing.

11.          I am gracious for the wealth I have in my life.

12.          Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness and peace of mind.

13.          I realize that I can help others with my wealth; so I stay wealthy.

14.          I allow my passions to perpetuate good in the world through my wealth.

15.          Wealth is a positive expression of divine energy.

16.          I release all negativity around building wealth.

17.          I release all opposition to wealth.

18.          I have the wealth to be successful.

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 1

1.             I am prosperous, wealthy and happy.

2.             I am easily attracting all the wealth that I desire into my life.

3.             Prosperity and abundance comes to me easily and effortlessly

4.             It is easy for me to become prosperous.

5.             I am worthy to have abundance and prosperity.

6.             I am a magnet to prosperity and abundance.

7.             All the wealth I have brings me joy.

8.             I receive prosperity just by thinking luxuriously.

9.             I will always have more than enough wealth and prosperity.

10.          I am attracting financial prosperity

11.          I am and will always be prosperous

12.          I deserve to prosper.

13.          I know that the world is prosperous.

14.          It is so easy for me to open to prosperity.

15.          My net worth is always increasing

16.          My wealth is increasing regularly making prosperous.

17.          The whole universe is conspiring to make me prosperous

18.          I am thankful for the prosperity in my life

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 2

1.             I am prosperous

2.             Prosperity is my birthright

3.             My life is prosperous

4.             Prosperity is mine.

5.             I give generously to myself and others

6.             I see prosperity everywhere

7.             I attract prosperity like a powerful magnet.

8.             I give thanks for the prosperity which is mine.

9.             Wealth and prosperity is circulating in my life.

10.          My circumstances are changing and prosperity is flowing into my life.

11.          I create prosperity in my life.

12.          I notice prosperity all around me.

13.          Prosperity is mine and I choose to live it.

14.          I create prosperity easily and effortlessly

15.          Prosperity is within me, prosperity is around me

16.          I enjoy my prosperity and share it freely with the world

17.          All resistance to prosperity has dissolved in total grace

18.          My prosperity is unlimited, my success is unlimited now

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 3 

1.             I was prosperous, am prosperous and will always be prosperous.

2.             I always have whatever I need. The Universe takes good care of me.

3.             My life is full of love and joy and all the material things that I need.

4.             Prosperity within me, prosperity around me

5.             I allow all good things to come into my life and I enjoy them.

6.             I let go of all resistance to prosperity and it comes to me naturally.

7.             Prosperity surrounds me, prosperity fills me and prosperity flows to me and through me.

8.             I am a magnet for money. Prosperity of every kind is drawn to me.

9.             I move from poverty thinking to prosperity thinking and my finances reflect this change.

10.     I now draw from the abundance of the spheres my immediate and endless supply. All Channels are free! All Doors are open!

11.     I now release the gold-mine within me. I am linked with an endless golden stream of prosperity which comes to me under grace in perfect ways.

12.          Prosperity of all kinds are drawn to me Now!

13.          Compliments are Gifts of Prosperity and I accept them graciously!

14.          Every day I grow more financially prosperous!

15.          I love prosperity and I attract it naturally.

16.   The whole Universe and entire mankind is conspiring to make me prosperous and abundant.

17.          I deserve all good in my life and that includes prosperity

18.          My income is constantly increasing and I prosper wherever I turn!

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 4

1.             I believe I have the right to be prosperous and successful.

2.             I am abundant, healthy, happy and live in prosperous

3.             I deserve to prosper in everything I do.

4.             It is so easy to open to prosperity.

5.             I can be prosperous.

6.             I was prosperous, am prosperous and will always be prosperous.

7.             Every day in every way I am becoming more and more prosperous

8.             Everything and ever body prospers me now

9.             I now draw the highest, best, and most prosperous minded people to me

10.          All resistance to prosperity dissolves away.

11.          Prosperity flows to me at all times, in all ways.

12.          I allow prosperity.

13.          Every day I am growing more financially prosperous.

14.          I prosper wherever I turn and I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds

15.          I am happy, healthy and prosperous.

16.          I exude passion, purpose and prosperity.

17.          I send others thoughts of their increased prosperity.

18.          My prosperity prospers others.

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 5

1.             I trust the universal spirit of prosperity to provide richly for me now.

2.             I accept prosperity and Abundance into my life.

3.             My beliefs create my reality. I believe in my unlimited prosperity.

4.             My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.

5.             I speak of success and prosperity. My words uplift and inspire others.

6.             I recognize my true Source and let prosperity pour forth into my every experience.

7.          I give thanks that the prosperity which is mine by Divine Right, NOW pours in and piles up under grace in perfect ways.

8.             My prosperity is unlimited. My success is unlimited NOW.

9.       Everything and everybody prospers me NOW and I prosper everything and everybody NOW.

10.     I love the highest and best in all people and I NOW draw the highest, best, and most prosperous minded people to me.

11.          The prospering truth now sets me free.

12.          I am destined to find Prosperity in everything I do.

13.          I know there is ample Prosperity for all.

14.          Prosperity now happens to me.

15.          I let go of all resistance to Prosperity, and it comes to me naturally.

16.          I am worthy of receiving Prosperity now.

17.          Prosperity and abundance surround me.

18.          I attract Prosperity with each thought I think.

Prosperity Affirmations Set # 6

1.             I have everything I need right now to accomplish everything I want.

2.             The riches of the universe come to me effortlessly.

3.             I am a lucky, happy, healthy and successful person

4.             The possibilities of the universe are flowing to me

5.             I live a charmed life

6.             I am safe, all my needs are met

7.             I already have everything I need

8.             I have everything I need to get everything I want

9.             I deserve the good life

10.          I deserve to be happy

11.          I give generously, and receive graciously

12.          My prosperity contributes to the prosperity of others

13.          I am eager to give more than I am paid for

14.          I respect my abilities and always work to my full potential.

15.          I am a positive resource and people want to do business with me

16.          Golden living, loving well-being is mine.

17.          All my properties are cash-flow positive

18.          I will be productive and prosperous today.

19.          I am prosperous in everything I do.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 1

1.             Abundance is mine.

2.             I am living an abundantly happy life.

3.             I can see abundance everywhere around me.

4.             I absolutely attract abundance.

5.             I believe that more abundance is coming to me now.

6.             Abundance is within me, abundance is around me.

7.             The Universe wants me to have great abundance.

8.             I am easily led to the abundance, I desire.

9.             I am deserving of abundance, no matter what.

10.          I allow the universe to bless me with great abundance now.

11.          My good now flows to me in streams of success, happiness and abundance.

12.          I am so grateful now that I possess abundance.

13.          I deserve to have financial abundance in my life now.

14.          Abundance and I are one.

15.          I enjoy an abundance of money.

16.          I have unlimited abundance.

17.          I expect lavish abundance every day in every way.

18.          All I have to do is ask for abundance and allow it.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 2

1.             I am living abundantly

2.             Abundance flows easily when I relax

3.             Feeling joyful attracts abundance

4.             I love abundance in all its beautiful forms

5.             I am relaxing into greater abundance

6.             Abundance is my divine birthright

7.             I always have more than enough abundance

8.             Thank you universe for my great abundance

9.             The more abundantly I live the more abundance I will receive.

10.          I open to the flow of abundance in all areas of my life.

11.          I can easily imagine myself having limitless abundance

12.          My grateful heart draws abundance like a magnet

13.          This day is filled with endless expressions of abundance

14.          My consistent focus on abundance draws it to me

15.          I love the idea of having truly effortless abundance

16.          Abundance around me, abundance within me, abundance throughout me.

17.          Today I expand my awareness of the abundance around me

18.          I live in an abundant world. All is perfect in my universe.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 3

1.             Perfect abundance is my chosen reality

2.             Abundance flows to me

3.             Abundance is my birth right

4.             The whole universe is conspiring to make me abundant

5.             I am thankful for the abundance in my life

6.             I am prosperous, healthy, happy and live in abundance

7.             I love abundance and I attract it naturally

8.             I believe I have the right to be Abundant, and successful.

9.             I am abundant

10.          I will live life abundantly

11.          I am willing to be more abundant now

12.          I will live the abundant life

13.          All my needs are met instantaneously

14.          My life is full of love and joy, and all the material things that I need

15.          My mind is a powerful magnet for riches and abundance

16.          My supply is endless, inexhaustible and immediate

17.          I am thankful for the unlimited flow of good into my life.

18.          I now release the goldmine within me

Abundance Affirmations Set # 4

1.             I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now

2.             I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life.

3.             I love life and accept my abundance unconditionally

4.             I AM Unlimited! I AM Abundant! I AM Worthy and Deserving of All Good!

5.             Creative Energy flows through All areas of my Life and Abundantly!

6.             Cash moves in abundant amounts in my Life!

7.       I am in a state of fulfillment, have abundant love and joy in my life and am free to do whatever I wish to do.

8.             My job/business is an all consuming love affair and I attract whatever I need through it.

9.             I always have more than enough of everything I need.

10.          My income is constantly increasing

11.          My good comes from everywhere and everyone

12.          New opportunities to increase my income open up for me now

13.          I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways.

14.          My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire.

15.          My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love.

16.          I am overflowing with Abundant Prosperity!

17.          Abundance is my birthright and I have it.

18.          Abundance within me, abundance around me.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 5

1.             I allow abundance.

2.             I now realize my plan for abundant living.

3.             The more grateful I am, the more reasons I find to be grateful

4.             I pay my bills with love as I know abundance flows freely through me.

5.             There is abundance in the universe for every living being.

6.             Today I expand my awareness of the abundance all around me.

7.             I feel the love, the joy, the abundance.

8.             I am wide awake to my abundance

9.             I serve only faith and my unlimited Abundance is made manifest.

10.          Life is easy; I have an Abundance of whatever I need.

11.          Abundance surrounds me. Today I claim my share.

12.      I am now on the royal road of Success, Happiness and Abundance, all the traffic goes my way.

13.     My good NOW flows to me in a steady, unbroken, ever-increasing stream of success, happiness and Abundance.

14.          I was destined to be prosperous. I have Abundance to share and to spare.

15.          I fill my mind with the idea of Abundance, and Abundance manifests in all my affairs.

16.          The presence of joy in my heart releases an Abundance of good in my life.

17.          I expect lavish Abundance every day in every way in my life and affairs.

18.          I welcome and enthusiastically accept unlimited Abundance.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 6

1.             My financial Abundance overflows today.

2.             Abundance is limited only by my unconsciousness.

3.             My life is filled with an Abundance of good.

4.             With Source to guide me, my life is filled with joyous successes and rich Abundance.

5.     I release all feelings of lack and limitation and joyfully accept blessings of joy and Abundance.

6.             Abundance is mine! I give thanks for the unlimited flow of good into my life.

7.         Gratitude moves me from perceptions of lack to manifestations of Abundance in all facets of my life.

8.             I am the source of my Abundance.

9.             I picture Abundance for myself and others.

10.          I deserve Abundance.

11.          I trust my ever-increasing ability to create Abundance.

12.          I am linked with the unlimited Abundance of the universe.

13.          I have Abundance in every area of my life.

14.          I bless the Abundance I see in others.

15.          The universe is safe, abundant and friendly.

16.          I live in an abundant universe. I always have everything I need.

17.          I am abundantly provided for as I follow my path.

18.          I choose to live an abundant life.

Abundance Affirmations Set # 7

1.             My greatest good is coming to me now.

2.             Today is filled with opportunity, and I will seize it.

3.             Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly.

4.             I can and will have more than I ever dreamed possible.

5.             Like a powerful magnet, I attract all my desires in great abundance.

6.             I am certain that my path is always perfect for me.

7.             I am extremely successful.

8.             I deserve the best and it comes to me now.

9.             My possibilities are endless.

10.          I have everything I need, to achieve everything goal I have.

11.          My work is deeply satisfying.

12.          At every step, good opportunity appears before me.

13.          I easily, openly and freely accept abundance, every moment!

14.          I am thankful for the infinite, abundant source of my abundance.

15.          I see right through hindrances and obstructions and know that abundance is all mine.

16.          I am a grateful person receiving the abundant blessings of the loving Universe.

17.          I have creativity and energy in abundance

18.          The Universe fulfills my every desire

Abundance Affirmations Set # 8

1.             I possess an abundant supply of creativity.

2.             Giving reaffirms the abundance mentality

3.             I am enthusiastic about all of my projects

4.             I have unlimited potential. Only good lies before me.

5.      I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the universe. Thank you creator.

6.             My life flows effortlessly as doors of opportunity open to me everywhere in every aspect of my life.

7.          I always find an abundance of things to love about my life, myself, and all those around me.

8.             I am creating an abundance of clients in my life

9.             I can handle the abundance of the universe

10.          Creativity flows through me with abundance

11.          Abundance flows through me

12.          I see every opportunity that comes my way

13.          The world is good and there are no limits.

14.          More good is waiting to reach me than I’ve ever experienced or imagined before.

15.          All of my dreams are coming true

16.          The universe provides for my every want and need

17.          I attract talented hard working people

18.          Life is fun, easy and over-flowing with abundance.

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