Very useful information about Corona - Covers self help tips and home remedies!

Ishan Jain


* Blood pressure in the body. *

* 120/80 - Normal *

* 130/85 - Normal (Control) *

* 140/90 - High slightly increased *

* 150/95 - Very High Too Much *

* Oxygen Level *

On checking with Oxygen Oximeter ..

* 94 - Normal *

* 95, 96, 97 se 100 oxygen level very good. *

* 90 Te 93 Oxygen Level Just Less *

* 80 Te 89 Oxygen Level Very Low * Admit should be done on the advice of the doctor.


* 72 Per Minute (Standard) Very Good. *

* 60 --- 80 P.M. (Normal) Medium *

* 90 to 120 Pulse Increased *


On checking with digital thermometer.

* 92 to 98.6 F (Fever) No Fever (Normal) *

* 99.0 F slight fever *

* 100. F to 102 F more fever *

On doing HRCT or chest CT SCAN.

1. HRCT score: 0 - 8 (Mild Infection).

2.HRCT score: 9 - 18 (Moderate Infection).

3. HRCT score: 19 - 25 Severe Infection.

The treatment :

1. In mild infections, normal medicine can be cured.

2. Oxygen and ventilator are required for savior infection.

What does HRCT Score mean?

Due to corona infection, inflammation occurs on the sacs that absorb oxygen, and phlegm in them. Someone who seems to be inferior to another person infield of beauty intellect, etc.

While performing CT SCAN, his score is removed by seeing how many parts of the lungs are infected by doing 25 parts of it.

That is, the higher the score, the greater the difficulty in taking oxygen and the higher the risk.

Take care, and Be safe.

* Home required medical kit for Corona: - *

1. Paracetamol or Dolo 650 mg SOS level

2. Betadine Gargle with lukewarm water for mouthwash

3. Vitamin C such as

Tab Limcee 500mg Sucking 3 or 4 times a day. It is a very powerful antioxidant. It is very effective. Increases immunity. Inactivates the virus.


Tab Vitamin D3 60k

Up to 4 weeks a week

4.Tab B Complex with Multivitamin and Trace Elements

Like Neurokind plus

10 to 15 days a day

For immunity

5. Take Steam - repairs throat and reduce viral load and make the virus inactive.

6. Pulse Oximeter to see Oxygen Level

Normal must be above 90

7. Oxygen cylinder (for emergency only)

8. Difficulty in taking the mother-in-law, sleep on the backside, which increases oxygen circulation in the lungs.

Gargle salt in 9 lukewarm water and squeeze lemon in lukewarm water and drink it 3 or 4 times a day.

Do deep breathing exercises.

* Three stages of Corona: - *

1. * Corona in nose only * -

The recovery time is half a day,

It does not usually have fever and this is called asymptomatic. 

What to do in it: -

Inhale steam and take vitamin C.

2. * Sore throat * -

Recovery time is 1 day

What to do in it: -

Gargle hot water, take hot water to drink, take lemon water

If you have a fever, take paracetamol.

Vitamin C, B, if severe.

Take Complex, D and antibiotic.

3. * Lung cough * -

Cough and shortness of breath in 4 to 5 days.

What to do in it:

Gargle hot water, take hot water to drink, take lemon water

Take vitamin C, B complex, paracetamol

And eat lemon with lukewarm water.

Pulse Oximeter Levels Your Oxygen

Keep checking If you have an oximeter

If not, then you buy from any drug store


Do deep breathing exercises to inhale more oxygen and if the problem is serious, ask for a cylinder and a doctor online.


If too much trouble, take antiviral medicine physician consultation.

* Stage to go to hospital: *

Of your oxygen level from the oximeter

Keep checking If it's 92 (normal 95-100)

Passes and you have symptoms of corona (Such as fever, shortness of breath, etc.) than you need oxygen cylinder and immediate health check-up, for this contact and consult the service center.

* Stay Healthy, Stay Safe! *

Please take care of your family and society. Stay at home and be safe.

*Pay Attention:*

PH of coronavirus from 5.5 to 8.5

It happens therefore, to eliminate the virus all we have to do is to take Alkaline foods higher than the level of acidity.

Consume substances * Such as: *

- * Banana *

- * Green Lemon - 9.9 Ph *

- * Yellow Lemon - 8.2 pH *

- * Avocado - 15.6 ph *

- * Garlic - 13.2 pH *

- * Mango - 8.7 ph *

- * Tangerine - 8.5 pH *

- * Pineapple - 12.7 ph *

- * Cascade - 22.7 ph *

- * Orange - 9.2 pH *

How will you know that you are infected with the corona virus.? 

1. * Dryness in throat *

2. * Dry cough *

3. * High Body Temperature *

4. * Shortness of breath *

5. Headache

4. Body ache

By drinking lemon with warm water, you can end the virus before reaching the lungs. 

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People are plants? Fun Facts and Similarities Between Plants and Humans!

Ishan Jain

Science is now discovering that humans are in fact more similar to plants than anyone had ever previously imagined possible. Learn how

Science is now discovering that humans are in fact more similar to plants than anyone had ever previously imagined possible. Learn how –

   1.  Plants and humans have a common ancestor. If you back long enough, you will reach a point in time and evolutionary history, where animals and plants didn't exist as we know them today, but they were something else. Actually, we, as animals, are more related to fungi than we are to plants. So, the group animal-fungi connects with the group plants. The fungi-animal group connect with plants around 1.6k millions of years ago, almost at the beginning of the tree. A little time before the group of fungi-animal-plants branched from the archaea group, which split a little time before from the bacteria group.

 2.  Humans share a high percentage of DNA with bananas – we also share 85 percent DNA with a mouse and 61 percent with a fruit fly. But with bananas, we share about 50 percent of our genes, which turns out to be only about 1 percent of our DNA. Humans likely share about 1 percent of their DNA with other fruits as well. "This is because all life that exists on earth has evolved from a single cell that originated about 1.6 billion years ago. In a sense, we are all relatives!"

3.     Plants and humans reproduce. They produce new plants and animals to replace themselves before they die. In trees, sex exists beyond the binary of female and male. Some, such as cedar, mulberry, and ash trees, are dioecious, meaning each plant is distinctly female or male. Others, such as oak, pine, and fig trees are monoecious, meaning they have male and female flowers on the same plant. It’s easy to identify female trees or parts—they’re the ones with seeds. And yet more, such as hazelnut and apple trees, produce “perfect” flowers that contain male and female parts within a single blossom.

4.    Just like humans, plants prefer to be near their children rather than plants of the same species who are not related to them. When plants share their pots, they get competitive and start growing more roots, which allows them to grab water and mineral nutrients before their neighbours get them. It appears, though, that they only do this when sharing a pot with unrelated plants; when they share a pot with family they don't increase their root growth.

   5.   Let's start with the basic structure of any living organism - the genome. The genome is a living thing's complete set of genetic information which it passes on to its children. The human genome is similar to that of  other animals and also to plant genomes. Both the human genome and plant genomes contain around 25,000 genes.

 6.   Inside the cells, we find that human cells and plant cells contain six identical organelles or active components  which include cell membranes, mitochondria and the nucleus. The presence of mitochondria means that both plants and humans have cellular respiration.

7.      Both humans and plants have highly developed immune systems. Plants have a similar response to bacterial infections to humans.

8.    The way humans and plants absorb food is similar. The human intestine and fertile soil both contain bacteria and fungi which help them to be healthy by killing harmful bacteria and breaking down substances to provide food. In the case of plants, bacteria and fungi help plants absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In the case of humans, they produce vitamins K and B7.

9.    Both have vascular tissues that serve a similar function: to carry necessary blood or nutrients throughout the organism. In humans, these tissues include blood vessels; in plants they are seen in barks and stems.

10.   A symbiotic relationship exists between trees and humans.  Humans breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while trees breathe in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen. 

11.  Plants can't survive without animals or humans. Because, Reproduction is essential for the continuation of that species i.e for its survival. For that pollination is a must and should factor. 95% of the plants depend on zoophily for pollination (pollination by animals).

12.  Trees Have Feelings, Make Friends And Look After Each Other Like An Old Couple. Trees like to stand close together and cuddle. They love company. They can feel pain, [and] have emotions, such as fear.

13.   When injured, plants can cry for help via a chemical phone call to the roots. If under attack by a pathogen, such as disease-causing bacteria, a plant's leaf can send out an S.O.S. to the roots for help, and the roots will then secrete an acid that brings beneficial bacteria to the rescue

14.   Plants have exceptional abilities to respond to sunlight, gravity, wind, and even tiny insect bites, but (thankfully) their evolutionary successes and failures have not been shaped by suffering, just simple life and death.

15.   Plants have visual capabilities we just do not understand yet. For instance, as reported in 2014 in Current Biology, the climbing wood vine Boquila trifoliolata can modify its leaves to mimic the colors and shapes of its host plant. Although the evidence for eyelike structures in higher plants remains limited, it is growing.

16.  Biologists believe that trees speak a language we can learn. They speak constantly, even if quietly, communicating above- and underground using sound, scents, signals, and vibes. In fact, the relationships between trees and other lifeforms are reflected in Waorani language. throughout literary and musical history there are references to the songs of trees, and the way they speak: whispering pines, falling branches, crackling leaves, the steady hum buzzing through the forest. Human artists have always known on a fundamental level that trees talk, even if they don’t quite say they have a “language.”

17.   Japanese “forest medicine” is the science of using nature to heal yourself—wherever you are. Trees really do have healing powers. For one thing, they release antimicrobial essential oils, called phytoncides, that protect trees from germs and have a host of health benefits for people. The oils boost mood and immune system function; reduce blood pressure, heart rate, stress, anxiety, and confusion; improve sleep and creativity; and may even help fight cancer and depression.

Twin Flames / Soulmates - A connection that brings soul awareness and enlightens your life !!

Ishan Jain

Telepathy is very common in a soulmate connection, you can pick up each other’s thoughts and feelings straight away. Even if they are apart or long distanced they can feel each other’s moods affecting them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Soulmate Signs

The first time you meet, there is an instant connection and immediate bond.

It is a feeling as if you have known each other before and there is a feeling of familiarity, an intuitive knowing that you will be together.

Telepathy is very common in a soulmate connection, you can pick up each other’s thoughts and feelings straight away. Even if they are apart or long distanced they can feel each other’s moods affecting them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The chemistry can be very powerful. There are many moments of complete certainty that they are meant to be in each others lives for a reason, no matter what and of which, there is a higher purpose to be with each other.

Their emotions are always amplified either positively or negatively. It can be incredibly good or very painful, there is more energetic intensity because it is felt at the deep level of the soul. It is common to swing back and forth from reunion to separation. The separation is due to unresolved emotional issues that one or both are carrying.

A Twin Flame / Soulmate relationship always changes your life. It challenges each soul to grow and expand into their highest potential, to fulfill their purpose in each other’s lives and the planet. The relationship could be so intense that one of the twins may go away from the relationship or there may be difficulty in being together for a long period of time.

Sometimes twin flames will experience the “dark night of the soul”.

The dark night of the soul is a very deep experience of inner spiritual growth and soul reflection which involves a deep emotional pain, mental confusion and physical loneliness. It brings a spiritual initiation and can awake a profound shift in consciousness, self growth, self awareness and transformation from the inside out.

Twin Flames can bring out the light or dark side of each other, and can bring out unhealed wounds, as well as push each other’s emotional buttons in a way that no one has done before. When they heal themselves the best qualities of each other will emerge as trust, acceptance and forgiveness. A soulmate relationship brings many arguments and fights. This happens because the negativity that each partner is carrying within, usually at a subconscious level, comes to the surface. Your twin flame will reflect this like a mirror, you will think it’s them with all the negativity, when in reality it is you. After this the cleansing process begins. Also deep seated fears and frustrations will surface. So you start blaming the other. You may not know consciously but this is the clearing of all your clutter. The arguments and blaming causes a lot of confusion because this spiritual process is not understood by the conscious mind, conditioned to trust logic more than the feeling of the heart. Usually one of them will run away because they feel they’re losing control and remember from the subconscious, past hurts of abandonment, betrayal, abuse, control and mistrust.

The one that was left suffers in pain / shock and hurt of the unexpected behavior and cutting off of their loved one. In this phase they both will need their own space to heal themselves. They both need to understand what really is happening, so they might start reading, searching or looking for answers.

Their soul goes into shock leading for one of them to become enlightened through a conscious effort, ultimately the person that went away returns after a soul awareness and deep recognition from their intuitive heart and the karma is finally resolved.

This is when the split soul becomes one again. First it happens at the level of the soul and then on the physical level, that is when they get married. In rare cases the physical reunion is not part of the plan and they will attract the next soul mate. This time the next soul mate will be a complete soulmate, one that has gone through all this experience and it will be an eternal bliss of love.

The purpose of a soulmate relationship is to assist us in our awakening and self love. It is always the case. We have met our soulmate in a previous life and have experienced many lives together. Before we enter the next life we agreed to meet again to heal our karmic patterns and our past wounds.

Our pain, fears, loss, betrayal, abandon, self worth.

Soulmates can be the catalyst needed to affect positive changes.

We have loved each other so deeply in previous lives that we volunteer to meet again to heal each other.

Twin Flames / Soulmates are always connected energetically in the heart and on a soul level.      


They often have similar beliefs and positive morals and values.

A indication of soulmates is that they might have a strong interest in helping others or a purpose to help humanity in a profound way. It is quite common for them to like the same things in life as you. They may have the same interest, passions and talents to fulfill their soul. Personality traits could be very similar even if they don’t recognize it yet.

The soulmate connection may not make complete sense on a mental level but they will sense it through the heart. Your Twin Flame / Soulmate will force you to search deeper into yourself than ever before. To lay everything on the table. You won’t be able to hide anything as your twin flame can read your soul.


Ø  An overwhelming sense of love and attraction.

Ø  A very strong magnetism to the other, stronger than anything you have experienced.

Ø  You will complement one another.

Ø The ability to feel each other emotions, whether they be happy or sad ones, from great distances.

Ø  The desire to be with one another no matter what obstacle is blocking your way.

Ø  You may meet through unusual circumstances that were totally unplanned and unexpected.

Ø  A realization that this isn’t the first time the two of you have met (past lives).

Ø  It feels as though you have been awakened. You feel more alive than you ever felt.

Ø  Your conversations seems to go forever and there is nothing you can’t discuss with your twin flame / soulmate.

Ø  You laugh constantly with each other.

Ø  You feel the need to please each other.  


Before you can live in harmony and unconditional love with your twin flame, emotional and mental healing needs to take place. You must work on your karma. You must heal all of your unresolved past experiences in this life and past lives. A negative comment or action toward your partner will only hurt yourself. Remember the two of you are connected.

One must transcend the ego and learn and understand unconditional love to oneself and others. To let go of a codependency or ego based relationship. Have no need for the other to make you whole or complete, as you are already whole and complete although you may not realize it yet but as you evolve you will awake to this self realization.

When you both have healed negative emotions, you won’t compete with one another. You will love each other for your individuality and uniqueness.

There will not be any restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need for ownership or control. The reunion happens when both are fully aware of their spiritual reality and enlightened at this time. There is perfect love and harmony. The twin flames now enjoy their sacred love and intimacy and have the power to create what their heart desires.

Note – If you want a loving relationship, don’t look for someone to make you happy. It doesn’t work. A partner might enhance love towards you, but you will still need to be ok with who you are. You need to be secure in yourself, know your worth and have your own way of rising above the challenges of life with certain emotional maturity.

I was told telepathically that sexuality has a major purpose to reconnect the twin souls and physical attraction is a big factor in each being reexamining and healing themselves. Finally in the end, all of us will be reunited with our twin flames whether it be in this life or the next one, depending on each other’s growth.

It is being told that the purpose of each human being was to find their soulmate / twin flame and will take place when each human being has found themselves.