How I do business myself without money? Here are 176 business Ideas, you can do with No Startup Cost.

The fastest way to pay of debt or build savings is to earn more money. If you have the time and the grit, here are 176 side businesses anyone can start.

You might ask yourself: “Is it possible to start a business with no money? ”Let me start with this. Starting a business with no money is possible. You have an idea for a business, except you don’t have any money to start it. You can start your company today for $0, start now. Lack of capital is a common excuse for failing to start a business. If you have the drive to start a business, coupled with a great idea and an unbelievable drive to succeed, you can start a business with no money.

The fastest way to pay of debt or build savings is to earn more money. If you have the time and the grit, here are 176 side businesses anyone can start.

You can only cut your spending so much. The fastest way to a bigger bank account and eventual financial freedom is earning more money.

If you want to get serious about starting a business—perhaps online like Money Under 30 and thousands of other successful blogs, courses, and membership sites—you should remember that growing an online business takes time.

If you’re looking for a quicker win, you can just start pitching services and grab some business on the side. Here are 176 businesses/side hustles that you could get going pretty quickly without much of an investment.


1.     Recruitment Firm: – Starting recruitment firm is very good business idea and it does not require money. You can start this business from your home you just requires phone connection and few contacts.

2.     Online Website:- Starting small website is small but very good business idea This business contains huge potential. Today you can see many websites earning in lakhs and Crore.

3.     Freelancing:- You can start your own freelancer business anytime, this business does not require any money. You need to just post your expertise on open forum or freelancing website. Make sure to post all information like past experience, project to increase your prospective.

4.     Photographer:- If you are very good at clicking photos. You can turn your hobby in to business. You just need very good camera to start this business. You can earn money by providing professional photography services.

5.     Personal Tutor or Trainer: – If you possess good skill in teaching, providing education or personal coaching is very good business idea. In this business you don’t require any money for investment and you will not face any recession in this business, because education is prime need today.

6.     Interior Designer:- Providing interior design services is good idea. Well, this business requires special skill and creativity to be successful.

7.     Match Making or Wedding planner:- Mostly people hire match maker or wedding planner in marriages, so starting Match making or wedding planning business is wonderful idea. This business require small amount of investment.

8.     Real Estate Brokerage or Consultancy:- You can start your own real estate brokerage or consultancy business without money. What you need is few contacts with prospective buyers and sellers. If not, check online and print media for properties that are to be leased or to be sold also take help of classified website or local newspaper make database and start contacting.

9.     Insurance consultant or Agent:- Today many people seek advice for insurance. If you are planning to start part-time business, than working as insurance advisor or consultant is best idea to start with.

10. Consulting business:- If you are expert in certain filed like personal finance, branding, management, marketing or advertising you can start your own consultancy firm.

11. Content writing:- Creation of content is art and if you are master in it you can start your own content writing business.

12. Security agency or detective agency:- Security and safety are major concern today, and people are ready to spend money for that. To start security agency for providing manpower or to start detective agency is another good business idea.

13. Dance, Music or Drawing school:- If you are good at dance, music or drawing you can start your own dance, music or drawing class. If you are seeking some practice, initially you can join some course to upgrade your skills.

14. Career counseling:- Millions of youngsters and their parents are confused about various career options. You can research about various career options and offer career counseling to them. Just share what you know do not promise the world to them.

15. Fitness or Yoga Teacher:- If you are professionally trained you can act as fitness or yoga teacher.

16. Baby Sitting and Cooking service:- If you are woman and want to start small business than you can opt for babysitting service or cooking service. This is hit idea in metro city as we find a lot of working woman in city and they often seek this type of services.

17. Chocolate maker:- This is another idea for woman, as we know chocolate is loved all over world and if you learn to make it in different shape you have very good business on your hands.

18. Tiffin Service:- If you are very good cook and love to serve tasty food than starting tiffin service is good idea.

19. Event Manager:- You can act as event manager, if you are good coordinator and can manage multiple task at same time. Today many corporate and SME opt for Event manager for their programs.

20. IT Support services:- Today IT is booming field and if you are expert in IT you can start your own business of providing IT support and services.

21. Insurance Agency : You can start from your relative, friends etc.

22. Travel Agency : You just need to tie ups with Cabs, Hospitality industries and Travels and Tour companies to sell the service.

23. Teffin Service : This business you can start with your kitchen groceries.

24. Paper Bags : With the ban of plastics and Increasing awareness towards environment has helped to increase the demand for paper bags.

25. Candle Making : Candle making business you can start with a small start budget and home-based basis. The popularity and consumer demand for scented and decorative candles is increasing.

26. Day Care :The demand day-care center in increasing rapidly. Its very lucrative business.

27. Fitness Instructor : Expertise in aerobics and yoga any individual can initiate home-based business as a fitness instructor. With very low start-up capital you can start this business from home.

28. Gift Basket : A Gift Basket is a wonderful home based business one can start with low startup capital. Gift baskets to can also sell to retailers.

29. Papad Making : Very easy to sell.

30. Ethnic cuisine : This business too calls for excellent culinary skills. You can prepare several ethnic foods such as meat sausages, exotic pickles, ready-to-cook spice mix, sweets, desserts and lots more.

31. Vastu : Vastu is an ancient Indian tradition that deals with proper positioning and magnetic forces of the Earth.

32. Tailoring : Skilled with a good sewing machine can offer. For those who possess dress making skills, creating special garments for weddings and other occasions will fetch more income.

33. Soap making : Making exotic, handmade soaps at home you need complete know how . To make good profits from this venture, you will require knowledge about the properties of different herbs, spices, roots, fruits, vegetable and leaves in beauty therapy and skincare.

34. Start a blog – I generate income in several ways with my blog. You could also build your own business as a professional blogger. Click here for my step-by-step guide on how to start a blog. Once you have managed to drive traffic to your blog the sky is the limit. You can sell advertising, create your own products to sell. Get paid for sponsored posts.

35. Aerial film photography – Do you own a drone? This could be your chance to turn it into an aerial photography business. They are widely used in the real estate market and many other businesses.

36. Affiliate marketing – Affiliate marketing offers you a great way to earn a percentage of sales without having to create a product or maintain an inventory.

37. Airport transfer service – There are many people who need greater flexibility when it comes to airport transfers.

38. Amazon reselling – You can sell products on Amazon. You can import products to sell or buy low and resell. If you enjoy finding great deals and make a profit, Amazon reselling might be a good business for you.

39. Antique refurbishing – The antique refurbishing market is a small niche, but with the right marketing you can build a loyal customer base.

40. Art collector – This isn’t the same as shop till you drop. You have to know the value and the demand for the artworks you deal with.

41. Baking – You can turn your passion into a nice side business.

42. Boat cleaning service – Boats are fun to use, but most people would rather have someone else do the cleaning.

43. Bookkeeping – Help small businesses to keep their receipts in order.

44. Brew your own beer – Many successful beer breweries started out by hobbyists.

45. Buy and sell domain names – You don’t have to sell a domain name for millions for turning it into a successful business.

46. Business consulting – If you have skills that help to grow or manage a business, there is a market for your service. Whether you are a bookkeeper, strategist, marketing expert, IT guru, there are businesses out there who need your service.

47. Car detailing – Many people are willing to pay a higher price to have their cars detailed on their own driveway. This is also a great weekend business.

48. Car flipping – If you know how to find a great deal and enjoy working on cars, this could be your opportunity to become an entrepreneur.

49. Carpet cleaning – You can start your carpet cleaning business renting the equipment.

50. Catering business – Starting a catering business requires a lot less capital than opening a restaurant.

51. Cell phone repair – Many people are happy to pay to repair a faulty cell phone instead of buying a new phone.

52. Childcare – If you love children, this might be a great business for you.

53. Christmas light installer – Although this is a seasonal business, it requires very little capital to start.

54. College admissions essay editor – A great business if writing is your passion. Be sure that your clients understand that you are an editor and that you are not going to write the essay for them.

55. College counseling – You can guide pre-college age kids to help them prepare for what to expect in college. You could help them with admissions, financial aid, career advice, and other college-related topics.

56. Commission only sales – There are many companies that offer commission only sales opportunities. If you partner with startup companies, you might be able to negotiate part ownership.

57. Computer lessons – You can offer training on your computer, using free services like Skype or Google Hangout.

58. Computer support and repair – Most small businesses can’t afford to hire a full-time IT professional. If you enjoy helping people with computer problems, starting an IT support service company might be for you.

59. Content writing for websites – Great content is what differentiates websites. Many businesses are happy to pay a writer to create website content.

60. Content marketing – Content marketing is the heart of SEO. Businesses who want to improve their search engine positions are your potential clients.

61. Contract customer support – You could become the outsourced support department for several small businesses.

62. Copywriting and proofreading – Businesses are happy to outsource proofreading to outside companies.

63. Custom software consultant – When a company must have unique software created they call a custom software consultant.

64. Accounting – Many small businesses outsource their accounting needs. Your accounting service will help companies keep track of their cash flow, generate reports such as P&Ls.

65. Dance instructor – All you need is physical fitness and a keen sense of rhythm. Knowledge of many dance styles is a plus.

66. Data analysis – Big data is big business these days. With the right skills, you can earn a fortune as a data analysis consultant.

67. Debt reduction service – Good research skills can help you provide advice to people looking to reduce their debt.

68. Develop a smartphone app – If you can learn the right coding language, you could develop a smartphone app without leaving your house.

69. DJ-ing – DJ-ing can be a lot of fun. Play the music you love in a party atmosphere. If you don’t mind working most weekends, evenings and holidays, this might be your dream business.

70. Dog walking – This is an easy job for dog lovers that gets you lots of mild intensity exercise.

71. Drive for Lyft or Uber – As long as cars are not self-driving there will be a need for drivers.

72. Ebay sales – Scouring discount shops for undervalued items and selling them on eBay can be a good way to turn a quick profit.

73. Ebook writing – There are many ebook niches which can earn you huge sums of money. All you need is the ability to write and good research skills.

74. Editing service – People require editing services for all sorts of reasons, from college students to businesses writing press releases.

75. Elderly care – Many elderly people require carers to regularly check up on them. If you’re a people person, this could be a great business idea.

76. Executive search – With the right knowledge, you can make big money helping businesses headhunt talented executives.

77. Farmer’s market – You can sell your own products at various farmers markets within driving distance to your home.

78. Fitness trainer – If you’re active and love to keep fit, you can make money helping others do the same.

79. Fiverr gigs – You can sell almost any service through Fiverr. It can be a great way to make some quick income.

80. Furniture maker – Custom furniture is in demand.

81. Ghostwriting – Lots of people have great ideas for writing projects but don’t feel confident in writing it themselves. Ghostwriters execute these ideas and can make lots of money doing so.

82. Google Adwords consultant – If you can learn how Google Adwords work, lots of companies will hire you to consult them on it.

83. Graphic design – You can put your artistic flair to work and design logos and other material for companies as a graphic designer.

84. Handmade jewelry – This is another business idea that can turn your creative side into cash.

85. Handyman – A handyman does all sorts of odd jobs, mainly centered around repairing and installing things.

86. Home appraisal – If you have the right knowledge and qualifications, you can offer your appraisal service to homeowners looking to value their property.

87. Home inspection service – Before buying a home it is customary to hire a home inspector.

88. House cleaning – This is a job almost anyone can do. Some people find cleaning quite relaxing.

89. House painting – Anyone can decorate a home, but many people are too busy to decorate their own. There’s lots of work available for house painting businesses.

90. House sitting – One of the easiest jobs in the world is house sitting. All you have to do is keep someone’s home occupied while they’re away.

91. Human billboard – This is another easy job to execute. Human billboards stand on the street holding advertising for various businesses.

92. Instagram marketing – Sign-up for a free Instagram account and learn what posts are most popular. You can then turn this knowledge into a marketing business.

93. Interior designer – If you have good taste and an eye for design, homeowners can hire you to plan their home’s interior.

94. Investment advice – If you have the right credentials, you can earn commissions and consulting fees as an investment advisor.

95. Junk removal service – If you don’t mind getting your hands dirty, people are prepared to pay to have junk removed from their property.

96. Landing page optimizer – Every website needs a great landing page. Many businesses will pay a lot to get the perfect landing page.

97. Landscape service – If you’re the outdoors type, landscaping can be a great business.

98. Massage therapy service – In this stressful modern world, there’s a lot of money to be made offering relaxing massages.

99. Meditation instructor – Meditation is another way to escape the stress of the modern world. Teaching others how to meditate can lead to a stress-free business.

100.  Mobile bike repair service – Cyclists can put their repair skills to work with this job.

101.  Mobile hairstylist – Once you know how to cut hair properly, you can run your own business providing haircuts at people’s homes.

102.  Mobile make-up artist – Many people want make-up artists to visit them before big events, such as weddings.

103.  Mobile laundry service – Helping people save time by offering a mobile laundry service can be an easy way to make money.

104.  Mobile mechanic – If you know your way around a car engine, being a mobile mechanic could be a great business idea.

105.  Modeling – You don’t have to look like a supermodel to succeed in this business. Fashion brands and photographers require models for all sorts of different situations.

106.  Moving service – Moving requires a lot of physical labor. People are happy to pay for help.

107.  Music instructor – Any musical ability can be turned into a business by teaching others how to play instruments.

108.  Niche marketing – Build a website around a niche. Market it and earn advertising income. Sell your own niche products.

109.  Mobile notary public service – If you have the right qualifications, offering your services as a mobile notary can be a very rewarding business idea.

110.  Office cleaning – Office cleaning requires no special qualifications, just hard work, and professionalism. This is the perfect business for nights and weekends.

111.  Online dating consultant – Online dating is big business these days. Helping others find love can be a great business plan.

112.  Online news correspondent – You can provide your services as a journalist from anywhere in the world as an online news correspondent.

113.  Online subcontractor – Many companies are looking online to subcontract work these days. This can be a very lucrative business idea.

114.  Online training – Any skills you possess can be turned into a business by teaching others online.

115.  Patent a new idea – Listen to our interview with Stephen Key whose patented ideas have generated billions in sales.

116.  Personal chef/ Caterer – Culinary skills are always in high demand. People hire chefs and caterers for all kinds of special occasions.

117.  Personal fitness trainer – Active individuals can run a great business helping others keep fit.

118.  Podcasting – You can turn any passion or hobby into a business by making your own podcast.

119.  Presentation design consultant – If you’ve got a great eye for presentation and design, you can run a business offering consultancy services to others.

120.  Product distributor – Every company needs their products to reach consumers. Distribution is a huge industry that can be entered with relative ease.

121.  Proofreading – As long as you have a good grasp of spelling and grammar, you can run a business checking all kinds of written texts.

122.  Property manager – Many landlords are too busy or have too many properties to regularly check up on all of them. Property managers can run a successful business by doing this for them.

123.  Personal coach – If you’re an active and healthy individual with a big personality, you can help train people to achieve all sorts of physical goals.

124.  Personal chef – There’s big money to be made providing personalized cooking services.

125.  Pet grooming – Pet owners are willing to pay big bucks to make sure their little darlings are perfectly presented.

126.  Pet sitting – If you love animals, this could be a great business idea. All you have to do is look after pets while the owners are away.

127.  Pool cleaning – Most pool owners let their pools fester while they’re not in use. When the weather gets right for using the pool again, there’s a huge amount of work available for pool cleaners.

128.  Portrait photography – If you’ve got a camera and know how to use it, there’s a lot of money to be made doing portrait photography.

129.  Power washing – With power washing, the equipment does most of the hard work while you clean properties.

130.  Product photography – Businesses rely on product photographers to make their products look awesome. All you need for this business idea is a camera.

131.  Professional organizer – Busy people will hire others to organize their day.

132.  Programmer – If you have the right skills, programming is a hugely lucrative industry.

133.  Publish ebooks – You don’t even need writing skills to publish ebooks. There’s lots of profit to be made hiring ghostwriters to execute your ideas.

134.  Purchase an existing website – Buying an existing website can be a quick way to make money through the internet.

135.  Real estate sales – Real estate is a huge industry. Selling houses can be of the biggest money-making business ideas out there.

136.  Rent a room through Airbnb – If you have the room to spare, renting through Airbnb can be an incredibly easy way to make some extra income.

137.  Rent your car on Turo  – This is another minimal effort way to make some extra income. When your car’s not in use, others will pay to borrow it.

138.  Residential cleaning – Anyone can run a successful residential cleaning business, provided they’re hardworking and professional.

139.  Review website – You can build a review website and create reviews such as mspy reviews, to make money.

140.  RV cleaning service – RV owners will pay others to make sure their vehicle is clean.

141.  SAT tutoring – The academically minded can make a lot of money helping students pass their SATs.

142.  Sell on Etsy – Etsy allows people to sell all kinds of creative products. This is a great business idea for indulging your artistic side.

143.  Shopping service – People will pay to save them the hassle of going out and buying products.

144.  Small business marketing consultant – If you have any experience with marketing, you can run a successful business offering consultancy services to small businesses.

145.  Social media marketing consultant – People with a good knowledge of sites like Facebook and Twitter can run successful businesses consulting others on how to succeed through these platforms.

146.  Start a Youtube channel – You can run a Youtube channel on any topic and potentially attract a global audience with your videos.

147.  Stock photographer – Stock photography services sell pictures for many different uses. You can make money taking pictures of almost any.

148.  Task rabbit – Workers can offer many different services through TaskRabbit and make money online.

149.  Tax preparation – Filing taxes can be complicated. If you know how to do it, others will pay you to sort theirs out for them.

150.  Teach English remotely – English is now the international language of business and travel. Students all over the world will pay for online English lessons.

151.  Teach DIYs – If you know how to carry out a task, others will pay to learn from you.

152.  Tour guide – Guiding tourists around your local area can be a fun and lucrative way of sharing your local knowledge.

153.  Translator – If you speak multiple languages, translation businesses can make a fortune.

154.  Trash removal – Removing trash is a dirty job, but it can also be a very lucrative business idea.

155.  Travel consultant – Organize trips to popular destinations.

156.  Videography – With a video camera and some directing flair, you can turn to make videos into a business.

157.  Virtual assistant – People require virtual assistants to carry out all kinds of tasks remotely.

158.  Voice over talent – Whatever your accent, you can probably find work somewhere recording voice-overs.

159.  Website designer – If you have the necessary skills, web design is a big money field.

160.  Web development – With the right skills, all kinds of companies will pay for you to assist with web development.

161.  Wedding/Party/Event planner – This can be a fun business idea for sociable people with an eye for detail.

162.  Wedding photography – Everyone wants their big day to be recorded for posterity.

163.  Weight loss consultant – Helping others lose weight is a morally good and financially rewarding business idea.

164.  Windshield repair – Cars are expensive and car owners will pay a lot to fix them when things go wrong.

165.  Window cleaning – With a ladder, some soap, and a bucket, you can offer your services as a window cleaner.

166.  WordPress website consultant – If you know your way around the world’s most popular blogging platform, there’s lots of money to be made as a WordPress website consultant.

167.  Writing fiction – You can become a successful fiction writer. Check out our interview with Ernest Dempsey who sold over 12,000 books on the Kindle platform. We have also interviewed Joanna Penn, New York Times bestselling author,  who sold more than 350,000 books.

168.  Writing greeting cards for businesses

169.  Concierge service – If you live in an affluent area, you would be amazed at what some people are willing to pay to not have to do boring chores themselves. From grocery shopping to dry cleaning runs to booking travel and doctor’s appointments, you can become a personal assistant to the super-busy, and super-rich.

170.  Mobile auto detailing –  How many people do you know who have decent cars but drive around with buckets of junk in the backseat and French fries stuck to the floor mats? Gross. With a vacuum cleaner you may already own and a few cheap bottles of automotive cleaning products, you can offer to come to anyone’s home or work and make their car’s interior look like new. Professional shops can charge up to $100 or more for this service.

171.  Fact-checking and research – Did you know that nearly every major magazine and many websites obsessively check and re-check every fact and source in their story? Best of all, very few employ in-house researchers to do this critical task. Yes, it’s tedious, but it only requires a laptop and a telephone!

172.  Bookkeeping – Bookkeeping and accounting is perhaps one of the most in-demand services that small businesses will farm out to part-time freelancers. And you don’t need to be a CPA to keep a company’s books—most of this work is routine data entry and paying bills. No experience? You can find evening or online training pretty easily.

173.  Association manager – Every day, people form new professional networks, community associations, or groups of like-minded hobbyists. The only problem is groups like these take a lot of administrative work to maintain. There are websites to build and update, newsletters to write, dues to collect, meetings and events to schedule, and mailing lists to maintain. Think you’re up to the task? By creating templates and protocols, you could easily begin managing several groups and start raking in the dough.

174.  Property manager –  The grown-up version of classic teenage jobs like shoveling snow and mowing lawns, property managers help small to medium-sized landlords everywhere take care of their real estate. The responsibilities can vary, from simply taking calls from tenants and arranging for maintenance to doing the fixing and landscaping yourself. If you want to go full-service, you can even offer to show apartments, screen tenants, and collect the rent.

175.  Sports or activity clinics – Were you a slugger on your college baseball team? Are you a great golfer? An artist or a musician? Start evening, weekend, or summer clinics for local youth to learn. Parents are always looking for enrichment activities for their children and are more than happy to pay you for a day—or several—without their kids.

176.  Clutter consultant – Have a knack for organization? Another great business opportunity in more affluent areas, you can work as a clutter consultant to help people rid themselves of crap and regain their living space. FYI, this would pair nicely with a junk removal service!


Starting any side business can help you earn extra cash. Tailor your business to your skills and you’ve got a recipe for success.

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Ishan Jain

Author & Editor

An opportunity to work is good luck for me. I put my soul into it. Each such opportunity opens the gates for the next one.


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